Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Bölcsészettudományi Kar
BTK Anglisztika Tanszék
Dehumanization: from Arendt to Agamben
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
·         The aim of the course is the critical investigation of 1.) the humanist idea(/ology) of the „human” 2.) of dehumanization as the performative consequence of the historically changing, but generally exclusive and normative discourses of the human in legal, political, social, philosophical and literary contexts. of 3.) theoretical and literary texts discussion and/or staging processes of dehumanization
Tantárgy tartalma
·         Course content: 1. Introduction 2. Critoque of Humanism 3. Dehumanzation (Haslam Kronfeldner) 4.A Critique of the Universal declaration of Human Rights 5.Totalitarianisms (Arendt) 6. The Banality of Evil (Arendt) 7. Biopower, biopolitics: Foucault 8. Biopower, Biopolitics 2: Agamben 9. Ethics of Care and Ethics of Vulnerability: Judith Butler 10. Narrative Empathy 11. Against Empathy (Arendt) 12. A response to Arendt and Agamben: Adriana Cavarero 13.Ishiguro: Never Let Me go
Számonkérés és értékelés
active participation and an end term test
·         Bibliography Agamben, Giorgio, from Homo Sacer I-IV, SUP, 1998-2016 Arendt, H. from Eichmann in Jerusalem, Penguin Classics, 1963. Arendt, H. from The Origins of Totalitarianism Shocken Books 1951. Arendt, H. from On Revolution. 1963. Braidotti, R. from The Posthuman. Cambridge, Polity. 2013. Butler, J. from Precarious Life. The Power of Mourning and Violence Verso. 2004. Cavarero, Adriana: Relating Narratives: Storytelling and Selfhood 2000 Cavaroro, Adriana. Inclinations: A Critique of Rectitude Stanford University Press. 2016 Foucault, Michel: from Discipline and Punish 1975. Foucault, Michel. from Society Must Be Defended. 1976. Haslam. N. „Dehumanisation. An Integrative Review” Personality and Social Psychology Review. 2006, Vol. 10, No. 3, 252-264 Hunt, Lynn: from Inventing Human Rights Ishiguro. K. Never Let Me Go. 2005. Kronfeldner. M. „The Politics of Human Nature” in On human nature: Evolution, diversity, psychology, ethics, politics and religion, ed. by M. Tibayrenc and F.J. Ayala. Wolfe. C. What is Posthumanism? University of Minnesota Press, 2010.

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