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Constitutional Design
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Constitutional Design ELTE Autumn Semester 2024/2025 Time: Thursday 10:00-12:00 Location: Classroom B/15 E-learning platform: the materials will be uploaded to the canvas.elte.hu site Course description: This course will consist of two elements: in-class instruction and discussion based on the Readers as well as out-of-class constitution writing in team-work. On the first class, the participants will be split into teams. Each team will study a particular country and work on designing a constitution for it. As we cover each subject in- class, the teams will be applying that material to their particular countries out-of-class. Each team will submit multiple papers as parts of their constitution-writing project, and each person on each team will be the principal author of at least one paper (required length: 1500 words, including references, footnotes). The lecturers support this process with in-class and out-class consultations. At the end of the semester, each team will merge the individual papers into one long White Paper (required length: 10.000 words, including references, footnotes), proposing a constitution for their country and explaining the reasons for their recommendations. Deadline for submitting the White Papers: 3 December.   Assessment: Your grade is based in equal parts on your individual classroom participation (33%), the paper for which you are a principal author (33%), and your team constitution and its supporting rationale (33%).   Schedule: Date Topic discussed at the class Milestones related to the team-project 19.09 Introduction, clarification of the working method 26.09. Constitution-making (Reader) mapping the social/political/legal challenges present in the given country 03.10. Constitutional principles (Reader) drafting the structure of the proposed constitution and the white paper 10.10. Federalism (Reader) individual paper 1 (first version) 17.10. The constitutional system of Canada (Readers, legal sources) individual paper 2 (first version) 24.10. The constitutional system of South Africa (Readers, legal sources) individual paper 3 (first version) 31.10. Autumn Break 07.11. Parliamentarism and presidentialism (Reader) individual paper 4 (first version) 14.11. Judicial review (Reader) individual paper 5 (first version) 21.11. Judicial independence (Reader) individual paper 6 (first version) 28.11. Consultation with the working groups White Paper (first version) 05.12. Presenting and discussing the draft white papers White Paper (final version) 12.12. Assessment Pozsár-Szentmiklósy Zoltán Mariam Begadze associate professor (ELTE Law School) postdoctoral researcher (CEU)

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