Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Bölcsészettudományi Kar
BTK Amerikanisztika Tanszék
Literary Translation Workshop
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
As the self-explanatory name suggests, literary translation is the translation of literary works of poetry, prose, drama, non-fiction into target languages (in this case Hungarian). This process includes the translation of literature from source languages (which here will be exclusively English) so that it remains "faithful(?)" to the original text. It is fundamentally different from that of any other categories and often considered the highest form of translation because a literary translation is so much more than the mere conveying of the meaning and context of the document in the source language into the target language. Literary translation rather also has aesthetic functions and involves incorporating the appropriate cultural nuances, translating humor, feelings, emotions, and other subtle elements of a particular work. All this takes a lot of reading, practice, talent and time, thus this workshop aims at nothing more than offering directions, insights  into an artform in its own right, yet, at its "humblest'.
Tantárgy tartalma
The course covers the most importan considerations of basic theoretical frameworks attached to translation studies, but mainly focuses on the practice of translation. Through exercises based on comparative translation analyses, students will have the opportunity to try their hand at prose translation, poetry translation, and will also have the opportunity to work on subtitling and dubbing.
Számonkérés és értékelés
The evaluation of the workshop is based on the assessment of the tasks to be completed from lesson to lesson.
Baker, Mona (ed.), 2001: Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies Csikai Zsuzsa, Kóbor Márta (szerk.), 2021: Iránytű az egyetemi fordítóképzéshez. A műfordítás-oktatás kérdései Halverson, Sandra, 2013: The Cognitive Basis of Translation Universals Ji, Meng, Oakes, Michael, Defeng, Li and Hareide, Lidun (eds.), 2016: Corpus Methodologies Explained: an Empirical Approach to Translation Studies. Klaudy Kinga, 1994: A fordítás elmélete és gyakorlata Klaudy Kinga, 1999. Az explicitációs hipotézisről. In: Fordítástudomány I. évfolyam, 2. szám, 5-22. Laviosa, Sara (et al.), 2017: Textual and Contextual Analysis in Empirical Translation Studies Laviosa, Sara and Davies, Maria González, 2020: The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Education Mossop, Brian, 2014: Revising and Editing for Translators Pym, Anthony, 2014: Exploring Translation Theories Robin Edina, 2018: Fordítási univerzálék és lektorálás Robin Edina, Varga Dora Agnes (szerk.), 2018: Forditástudomany—forditásban

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