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BTK Amerikanisztika Tanszék
Választható amerikai történelmi szeminárium: Az afro-amerikaiak és a polgárjogi mozgalom
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Oktatás célja
BBN-AME-322 African Americans and the Civil Rights Movement 1. Aim of the course: The course offers an introductory overview of the Civil Rights Movement. The objective of the course is to acquaint students with the historic events and icons of the movement as they trace the history of African Americans from the second half of the 1940s to the end of the 1960s. We will study the cultural, social, legal, and political status of the African American community by studying essential primary documents from this period of American history, such as the speeches and of civil rights activists – Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael, and Rosa Parks – and their first-hand accounts on the struggle for freedom. We will also examine, compare and contrast, the various methods and means of civil protest, as for example the practice of civil disobedience by Martin Luther King Jr. and the right to self-defense advocated by Malcolm X.
Tantárgy tartalma
2. Content: The course introduces the history of the Civil Rights Movement from the struggle for Double Victory during World War II and the post-war dilemmas to the black struggle for freedom and the radicalism of the 1960s. During the semester the students will learn about the struggles of the African American community to end segregation and discrimination, to achieve their basic rights and liberties that are listed in the Constitution of the United States. The course covers a wide range of topics, such as the integration of schools following the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (1954) decision of the Supreme Court and the backlash in the South, the murder of Emmett Till (1955), the Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955-1956), the case of the Little Rock Nine (1957), the Sit-In Movement (1960), the Nashville Student Movement, the Freedom Rides (1961), the Albany Movement (1961-1962), the non-violent protests in Birmingham (1963), the March on Washington (1963), the Mississippi Freedom Summer (1964), the Selma to Montgomery March (1965), and the Civil Rights Acts which prohibited discrimination based on race. The students will also learn more about the various civil rights organizations that took active part in the movement, for example the NAACP, CORE, SCLC, SNCC, and the COFO.
Számonkérés és értékelés
3. Assessment and grading: Assessment: grading will be based on a point system and the continuous assessment of the work of the students throughout the semester. End-term exam: 40 Points (40%); the exam will assess the student’s knowledge of the course material and the recommended literature. The exam is going to be composed of terminology, identification and multiple choice questions, and an essay based on the course material and the assigned readings. Presentation: 20 Points (20%); each student has to give a 15 minute long presentation on a topic related to the course, a handout should be prepared on the topic and it has to be handed in at the beginning of the class. Depending on the size of the class it can be a group project. The PPT/PDF version of the presentation has to be handed in via email a day before the class. The presentation will be graded on its content, the language skills of the presenter, proper citation of the sources used, and the prepared handout. Quiz: 20 Points (20%); 2 pop-quizzes during the semester on the required readings. Class participation: 20 Points (20%); 2 participation points per class based on preparedness for the class, completed reading assignments, and contribution to the class discussion/debate. Attendance: regular attendance is mandatory (no more than 3 absences) for completing the course, an attendance sheet will be passed around at the beginning of each class to verify the attendance of the students. Being unprepared for class and regular tardiness will count as an absence. Grading:             5: 100-90 Points             4:   89-80 Points             3:   79-70 Points             2:   69-60 Points             1:   59-     Points
4. Compulsory literature: Recommended Readings: Branch, Taylor (1988): Parting the Waters: America in the King Years, 1954-1963. New York: Simon and Schuster. Clayborne, Carson ed. (1991): The Eyes on the Prize Civil Rights Reader: Documents, Speeches, and Firsthand Accounts from the Black Freedom Struggle. New York: Penguin Books. Cone, James H. (2007): Martin & Malcolm & America: A Dream or a Nightmare. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books. Franklin, John Hope (1988/1994): From Slavery To Freedom: A History of Negro Americans. 6th and 7th ed. New York: Knopf/McGraw-Hill. Heffner, Richard Douglas and Alexander Heffner (2013): A Documentary History of the United States: Expanded and Updated Edition. New York: Penguin Group. Washington, James Melvin ed. (1992): I Have a Dream: Writings and Speeches that Changed the World. San Francisco: Harper San Francisco. Williams, Juan (1988): Eyes on the Prize: America’s Civil Rights Years, 1954-1965. New York: Penguin Books.

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