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BTK Amerikanisztika Tanszék
Az észak-amerikai irodalomkritika témakörei 2.: Állattudomány az amerikai irodalomban
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
The aim of this course is to introduce students to animal studies, which is a rapidly evolving interdisciplinary field that draws on the human, social and natural sciences to investigate what non-human animals are like, how humans and non-human animals relate to each other, in the intertwining areas of differing scholarly fields with aesthetic, moral, social, political, economic and ecological significance. While reading various primary and secondary sources negotiating such issues we will set out to deleniate the complex relationships between humanity and animality.
Tantárgy tartalma
In addition to the numerous basic texts in animal sciences, the reading of authors and works considered canonical in the field constitutes the most significant part of the designated area of the curriculum.
Számonkérés és értékelés
In addition to evaluating how students have acquired knowledges produced in the assigned texts, critical reading and comprehension skills, critical writing skills, and academic writing skills will also be assessed (on the basis of class participation, submitted outlines and summaries, a research paper, and the final in-person handwritten essay assignment).
Alice Walker: Am I Blue Amy Hempel: When It’s Human Instead of When It’s Dog, Andrew Smith: Hearing Bats Bryan Lufkin: Why Cats Rule the Internet Instead of Dogs Carole Guesse: On the Possibility of a Posthuman/ist Literature(s) Cary Wolfe: What Is Posthumanism – A Review Cary Wolfe: What Is Posthumanism – An Introduction Dario Martinelli: A Manifesto of Numanities (excerpts) Donelle N. Dreese: The Terrestrial and Aquatic Intelligence of Linda Hogan Driscoll and Hoffmann: What Is Zoopoetics – An Introduction Edgar Allan Poe: The Black Cat Edward Albee: The Goat, or Who is Sylvia Ellen Gainor: Albee’s The Goat Erika Cudworth: Beyond Speciesm Franz_Kafka: Metamorphosis G. B. Riddenhough: Man-into-Beast Changes in Ovid Herman Melville: Moby Dick_Chapter 32, 65 In the Animal Shelter, The Weekend, At the Gates of the Animal Kingdom, Weekend, The Dog of the Marriage Joela Jacobs: Canine Language Play John Hay: On The Edge John Haynes: Beastly Behaviour (review) John Updike: Another Dog’s Death John Updike: Dog’s Death Lénárt Tamás: Of Mice and Men Linda Hogan: Bats Maria Nikolajeva: Devils, Daemons, Familiars Mark Twain_A Dog’s Tale Michaela Castellanos: Whale Bodies Miklós Mészöly: Report on Five Mice Morrison and Quietly: WE3 Nina Pelikan Straus: Transforming Franz Kafka’s Metamorphoses Ovid: Metamorphoses (Actaeon and Diana) Pamela A Smith: Green Lap Brown Embrace Blue Body – The Ecospirituality of Alice Walker Robert Burns: To a Mouse Roland Végső: Towards a Poetics of Worldlessness Sarah L. Crosby: Beyond Ecophilia: Edgar Allan Poe and the American Tradition of Ecohorror Spiegelman: Maus T.S. Eliot: Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats (excerpts) Thomas Nagel: What Is It Like to Be a Bat? Una Chaudhuri: Of All Nonsensical Things Performance and Animal Life Vasile Stanescu: Post Animal Studies – An Introduction William Gass: Order of Insects

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