Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Társadalomtudományi Kar
TÁTK Kulturális Antropológia Tanszék
Anthropological theories and methods 3.
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
This course will focus primarily on major anthropological theories and methods beginning with postmodernism up till today. We will delve deeply into peer-reviewed publications by the most prominent, contemporary anthropologist. Topics covered include: postmodernism, feminist anthropology, cultural feminism, feminism and Marxism, as well as redefinitions of concepts like groups, debt, ethnic identity, symbolism, colonialism, globalization, etc.
Tantárgy tartalma
This course will focus primarily on major anthropological theories and methods beginning with postmodernism up till today. We will delve deeply into peer-reviewed publications by the most prominent, contemporary anthropologist. Topics covered include: postmodernism, feminist anthropology, cultural feminism, feminism and Marxism, as well as redefinitions of concepts like groups, debt, ethnic identity, symbolism, colonialism, globalization, etc.
Számonkérés és értékelés
ATTENDANCE/EXAM POLICY: Attendance is compulsory. Four classes can be missed without any consequences. If you miss 3, or more classes, you will NOT receive a grade. COURSE REQUIRMENTS: Weekly Readings: Each week, three texts will be assigned. The class will be divided into three groups. Each group will be responsible for one reading. The readings and the groups will be numbered. Therefore, Group One will always read Text One, Group Two will read Text Two, and Group Three will read Text Three. Regardless of your group number, EACH & EVERY ONE OF YOU are responsible for ALL the weekly readings, otherwise, we can NOT have productive and worthwhile discussions!!!! Weekly Class Discussions: During class, each group will be responsible for presenting their assigned reading to the rest of the class, followed by a short Q&A session. Each group will be given equal time to present and answer questions. Participation/Preparedness: Classes will meet for 120 minutes once a week. Students should be present and engaged in class every day. Participation in classroom discussions is mandatory. Because this is largely a discussion-based course, students are required to interact not only with the instructor, but with each other as well, asking questions, providing assistance and constructive criticisms of each other's ideas. Peer-review is expected.
COURSE TEXTS: Barrett, S. R. (2009). Anthropology - A Students Guide to Theory and Method. Toronto, University of Toronto Press Assigned peer-reviewed journal articles

Kurzus szakjai

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