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Társadalomtudományi Kar
TÁTK Kulturális Antropológia Tanszék
Anthropological Theories and Methods 5.
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
This course examines core anthropological theories and methods by influential figures in anthropology. We will trace the history of ideas, theories, paradigms, and challenges throughout the development of the discipline. This overview of some of the most prominent thinkers and their ideas will be conducted in preparation for the final exam in this MA course. To achieve this, we will spend an entire class on one question, covering a total of ten questions. We will explore relevant theories to better understand the nuances and impact they had, and continue to have, on the discipline. This course is designed to give you a comprehensive view of social anthropology’s major theoretical tenants and the core methods refined and utilized by this major field of anthropological inquiry.
Tantárgy tartalma
COURSE OUTLINE Week 1 (March 2): Introduction • Review syllabus Week 2 (March 9): Question 1 • Choose one of the following and present his evolutionist theory: Lewis Henry Morgan, Edward Burnett Tylor, James George Frazer! Suggested Readings: ▪ Frazer, James George. The New Golden Bough. ▪ Morgan, Lewis Henry. Ancient Society. ▪ Tylor, Edward B. Primitive Culture. Week 3 (March 16): Questions 2 • What are the limitations of the comparative method of anthropology according to Franz Boas? Suggested Readings: ▪ Franz Boas. Race, Language, and Culture. Week 4 (March 23): Question 3 • "Patterns of culture" according to Ruth Benedict Suggested Readings: ▪ Ruth Benedict & Margaret Mead. Patterns of Culture. Week 5 (March 30): Question 4 • "Status" and "role" in Ralph Linton's theory Suggested Readings: ▪ Ralph Linton. The Study of Man. Week 6 (April 6): Question 5 • Fieldwork and interpretation in Bronislaw Malinowski's anthropology Suggested Readings: ▪ Bronislaw Malinowski. Argonauts of the Western Pacific: An Account of Native Enterprise and Adventure in the Archipelagoes of Melanesian New Guinea. Week 7 (April 13): Question 6 • Function and social structure according to Alfred Reginald Radcliffe--Brown Suggested Readings: ▪ Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown. Structure and Function in Primitive Society: Essays and Addresses. Week 8 (April 20): Question 7 • Claude Lévi--Strauss' concept of "structure" Suggested Readings: ▪ Claude Lévi--Strauss. Structural Anthropology. Week 9 (April 27): Question 8 • Liminality and communitas in Victor Turner's theory Suggested Readings: ▪ Victor Turner. The ritual process: structure and anti--structure Week 10 (May 4): Question 9 • Interpretation of cultures according to Clifford Geertz Suggested Readings: ▪ Clifford Geertz. The Interpretation of Cultures. Week 11 (May 11): Question 10 • Gender roles in Margaret Mead's works Suggested Readings: ▪ Margaret Mead. Coming of Age in Samoa Week 12 (May 18): No Class Week 13 (May 25): No Class
Számonkérés és értékelés
COURSE REQUIRMENTS: 1. Weekly Preparation: Each week we will discuss one question out of the ten that will appear on your final exam in depth. Each of you are expected to come fully prepared, having done as much reading as possible in an attempt to fully answer the question(s). 2. Participation/Attendance: Classes will meet for 120 minutes once a week. Students should be present and engaged in class every day. Participation in classroom discussions is mandatory. Because this is largely a discourse based class, students are required to interact not only with the instructor, but with each other; asking questions and providing constructive criticisms of each other's ideas. Peer review is expected and will be much appreciated by all. 3. Final Exam: A mock exam using the ten questions that will appear on your actual final exam for the MA program. COURSE ASSESMENT (GRADES): Weekly Preparation: 35% Participation 35% Final Project: 30% ATTENDANCE/EXAM POLICY: Attendance is compulsory. Four classes can be missed without any consequences. If you miss 3, or more classes, you will NOT receive a grade.
COURSE TEXTS: Relevant text should be chosen by each of you as is needed and relevant

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