Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Társadalomtudományi Kar
TÁTK Kulturális Antropológia Tanszék
Anthropology of America
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
Overview Risking an overstatement, one might argue that the “discovery” of America and the subsequent Colombian Exchange greatly determined the course of history. The consequences of the Colombian Exchange includes the unprecedented demographic stability in Europe as the result of newly introduces crops, the formulation of stable European empires and nation states, this combined with the influx of precious metals, new opportunities for global trading led to the development of venture capitalism and colonialism as we know it today. This went hand in hand with the Atlantic slave trade and demographic and economical destabilisation of Africa. Most importantly the Colombian Exchange is responsible for the annihilation of at least 90% of the indigenous population of the American continent. It is not at all hard to see why and how the almost accidental success of an Italian born sailor laid the foundations for the world that we live in today. Under the pressure of such historical significance it is easy to forget that these events both destroyed and created America. That societies and cultures survived and adopted, new ones were born. The post-columbian history of the continent is not the sole property of the European colonisers,
Tantárgy tartalma
Topics: Pre-Columbian history and prehistory: The peopling of the Americas and the formulation of stratified societies and an interlinked Pan-American system of Trade The European Discovery: The myth of a fast conquest, the modes of colonisation. South American nations: Development, revolutions, independence. What is a native population?
Számonkérés és értékelés
Requirements 1. Review of Uploaded Slides: Each week, you will be required to review the slides that have been uploaded to the course platform. You should spend approximately one hour reviewing the slides and making sure you understand the content. The review should consist of a 1-2 page interpretation of the topic based on the slides and the topic specific readings 2. Course Materials: All necessary course materials, including the weekly slides and readings, will be uploaded to the course platform. It is your responsibility to make sure that you have access to the materials and that you review them on a weekly basis. 3. Grading: Your performance in the course will be evaluated based on your performance on a final written exam during the exam period. With the weekly reviews you can collect extra points that will be added to your points achieved in the final exam.
Literature: Hamalainen, Pekka 2019 Lakota America: A New History of Indigenous Power (The Lamar Series in Western History). Yale University Press Mann, Charles C. 2011 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus. Random House

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