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Társadalomtudományi Kar
TÁTK Kulturális Antropológia Tanszék
Techniques of Anthropological Fieldwork 1.
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
The goal of the course and ability to acquire The goal of the course to prepare the students for their fieldwork. During the semester we will examine two methodological problems, the anthropological study of symbolic analysis and interview techniques. The problems will be developed by the professor. Readings will be given for the lectures too, which all students are warmly recommended to read them. The lectures given by the professor on both topics will be followed by an individual or group presentation by the students! Accordingly, after the professor's lecture on symbol analysis, students will give presentations related to symbol analysis: students, either individually or in group, work on and analyse one or more symbols and their cultural meanings. After the presentations on symbol analysis, the professor will again give a lecture on anthropological interviewing techniques. Afterwards, the students will again give a presentation on their experience of one or more interviews what they make. This can also be done as a group presentation, however it is strongly recommended that everyone interviews individually with a person or persons who are related to the students' actual or future fieldwork. With the help of these practises and the related discussions students will be able to use the approach and interpretive skills of cultural anthropology to understand and analyze social and cultural questions from the perspective of their required fieldwork experiences.
Tantárgy tartalma
Detailed syllabus 1.       Anthropology of Research Methodology/Methodology of Anthropology Discussing the requirements, assessment methods and assignments for the course. 2-3. Introduction to research methods in cultural anthropology from the perspective of the professors’ fieldwork experiences Readings: Thomas Hylland Eriksen. 2010. Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology. 2010. Pluto Press, London-New York: Chapter 3/ Fieldwork and Ethnography: 27-44 Richard Papp. 2020. Ephemeral Reality. Many Faces of Culture. Budapest, Eötvös Publishing https://www.eltereader.hu/media/2020/12/Many-faces-of-culture_WEB.pdf Gergő Berta. 2021. Concept of Localness in the Raval Neighbourhood. in: Antro-pólus 2021/1-2 pp. 5-28 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_fjo-lxvF6n2HVTeLJpABUR9PrlMh0jt/view?usp=sharing 4. Analysis symbols – Lecture of the professors Fiona, Bowie 2006. The Body as Symbol. In: Bowie, Fiona: The Anthropology of Religion. Oxford, Blackwell: 34-62(Chapter 2) Geertz, Clifford. 1973. Thick Description. Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/.../7c6a320a33a3014339d3f9fad580.. 5-7. Practising class work 1.  Students’ presentations - Analyses of symbols 8. Conducting Interviews – Lecture of the professors Handbook of Methods in Cultural Anthropology. 2015. Edited by H. Russell Bernard and Clarence C. Gravlee. ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD, Lanham • Boulder • New York • London: Chapter10/ Person-Centered Interviewing and Observation (Levy, Robert I.-Hollan, Douglas W.): 313-343 9-11. Practising class work 2. Students’ presentations/Conducting an interview or interviews 12. Summary of the course. Discussion
Számonkérés és értékelés
Conditions of the course completion 1, Regular class attendance is a course requirement. 2, Each student is encouraged to contribute to the in-class discussions. 3, The students will also be expected to interpret every cultural phenomenon what will be analyzed during the semester. Thus, every student must give a presentation individually or in group about: their analysis of symbols conducting an interview or interviews These analyses should be connected to the student’s present or planned fieldwork!
Detailed syllabus 1.       Anthropology of Research Methodology/Methodology of Anthropology Discussing the requirements, assessment methods and assignments for the course. 2-3. Introduction to research methods in cultural anthropology from the perspective of the professors’ fieldwork experiences Readings: Thomas Hylland Eriksen. 2010. Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology. 2010. Pluto Press, London-New York: Chapter 3/ Fieldwork and Ethnography: 27-44 Richard Papp. 2020. Ephemeral Reality. Many Faces of Culture. Budapest, Eötvös Publishing https://www.eltereader.hu/media/2020/12/Many-faces-of-culture_WEB.pdf Gergő Berta. 2021. Concept of Localness in the Raval Neighbourhood. in: Antro-pólus 2021/1-2 pp. 5-28 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_fjo-lxvF6n2HVTeLJpABUR9PrlMh0jt/view?usp=sharing 4. Analysis symbols – Lecture of the professors Fiona, Bowie 2006. The Body as Symbol. In: Bowie, Fiona: The Anthropology of Religion. Oxford, Blackwell: 34-62(Chapter 2) Geertz, Clifford. 1973. Thick Description. Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/.../7c6a320a33a3014339d3f9fad580.. 5-7. Practising class work 1.  Students’ presentations - Analyses of symbols 8. Conducting Interviews – Lecture of the professors Handbook of Methods in Cultural Anthropology. 2015. Edited by H. Russell Bernard and Clarence C. Gravlee. ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD, Lanham • Boulder • New York • London: Chapter10/ Person-Centered Interviewing and Observation (Levy, Robert I.-Hollan, Douglas W.): 313-343 9-11. Practising class work 2. Students’ presentations/Conducting an interview or interviews 12. Summary of the course. Discussion

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