Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Társadalomtudományi Kar
TÁTK Kulturális Antropológia Tanszék
Thesis Seminar
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
The purpose of this course is to outline the standard requirements and guidelines that a master’s thesis should adhere to in the area of organization and writing skills. This course will not touch (or only tangentially) on questions of methodology and content, as these are likely to be subject specific, but will be limited to those issues that are generally true across disciplines. For information on discipline-specific requirements, deadlines for submission, and for documents required in preparation for the thesis, such as proposals, outlines, or annotated bibliographies, students should consult their academic department.
Tantárgy tartalma
The thesis is the single most important element of the master’s degree. It is a test of the student’s ability both to undertake and complete a sustained piece of independent research and analysis, and to write up that research in a coherent form according to the rules and conventions of the academic community. A satisfactory thesis should not only be adequate in its methodology, in its analysis and in its argument, and adequately demonstrate its author’s familiarity with the relevant literature; it should also be written in correct, coherent language, in an appropriate style, correctly following the conventions of citation. It should, moreover, have a logical and visible structure and development that should at all times assist the reader’s understanding of the argument being presented and not obscure it. The layout and physical appearance of the thesis should also conform to university standards.
Számonkérés és értékelés
COURSE REQUIRMENTS: Writings: You will be required to do a substantial amount of writing. Most assignments will be short essays (3-6 pages), and should ideally be geared toward your MA thesis. Therefore, you will be able to incorporate these essays into your thesis.  The written assignments will be based on the weekly topics covered in the reading material. You will be required to SHARE ALL assignments with other students, so please make sure you use a format that is easy to share (i.e. PDF; .DOC, etc.). All essays MUST be uploaded to Canvas. Participation/Preparedness: Each of you are expected to participate in all activities fully, honestly and with integrity. In other words, each of you must pull her/his own weight, including all tasks such as reading, note taking, writing and presenting. Final Project:  Each student must produce a professional quality project proposal for their thesis. It must keep to standards that most research grants or university graduate departments expect.
COURSE TEXTS: Soles, Derek. (2005). The Academic Essay: How to Plan, Draft, Revise, and Write Essays. Somerset, United Kingdom: Studymates Limited. Hartley, James. (2008). Academic Writing and Publishing: A Practical Handbook. London and New York: Routledge. Additional articles (Posted online)

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