Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak
- Kar
- Társadalomtudományi Kar
- Szervezet
- TÁTK Kisebbségszociológia Tanszék
- Kód
- EKIP03
- Cím
- Nationalism and ethnicity
- Tervezett félév
- Őszi
- 4
- Nyelv
- en
- Leírás
- te_kód: SZOCMA-KSZ3 kurzuskód: SZOCMA-KSZ3/1
- Oktatás célja
- The aim of the course is to interpret ethnicity, nationalism and cultural identity from a cultural anthropological perspective with the help of broad research and descriptions of the Hungarian culture and numerous case studies, slides, movies, arts, online media clips and lyrics. The objectives and case studies of the course familiarize the students with the variety and complexity of ethnicity and nationalism. Consequently, the goal of the proposed topics is to give relevant knowledge and interpretation skills to the students about the cultural-social-political processes and historical-ethnographical contexts of the Eastern and Central European cultures, minorities, religious groups, different identities, subcultures, local cultures, national myths, rituals and recent folklore. The long-term goal of the course is for the students to interpret their cultural identity in a reflective and analytical way using the approaches, theories and interpretations applied in the semester.
- Tantárgy tartalma
- Who are we? Who do we belong to, identify with, or distinguish ourselves from? Do we have "stabile", "unchangeable" ethnic and national identity? With the help of cultural anthropological research, we can see multiply examples how identity is a complex and fluid component of cultures. All these approaches and studies can give us great opportunities to think and re-think our ties towards "ourselves" and "others". Furthermore, phenomena and significances of ethnicity and nationalism are specifically interesting and important for understanding cultural identities in Eastern and Central Europe. Despite our historical and socio-cultural similarities, the knowledge about our common historical contexts, social and political problems could be deeper in Eastern and Central Europe. The course will give opportunity for interactions between the students and the lecturer to discuss and dispute the arising questions.
- Számonkérés és értékelés
- Participation in the lectures. Writing a minimum 10,000 characters’ essay linked to questions of the semester. The students are expected to write the essay about one of the related topics of the lectures with examples of Eastern and Central European cultures, communities. They can use books, studies from the reading list of the course but they can also use different theories and writings. Optional topics of the essay: - Terms, theories and examples of cultural identity, ethnicity and nationalism - Stereotypes, prejudices - Cultural memory and/or mythical-ritual memory - National/Ethnic rituals, festivals - National concepts of space and territory - “National characters” - Ethnic groups and boundaries - Interethnic interactions and/or conflicts - Cultural identity and humour - Minority cultures and identities - Migration
- Irodalomjegyzék
- Anderson, Benedict 1991. Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origins and Spread of Nationalism. Revised edition. (London: Verso, 1991), Chapter 1 ‘Introduction’, Chapter 2 ‘Cultural Roots’ and Chapter 3 ‘The Origins of National Consciousness’, pp. 1-46. https://www2.bc.edu/marian-simion/th406/readings/0420anderson.pdf Assmann, Jan: Collective Memory and Cultural Identity. www. history.ucsb.edu/faculty/Marcuse/classes/201/articles/95 Assmannpdf Balogh, Balázs – Ilyés, Zoltán (ed.) 2006. Perspective of Diaspora Existence. Hungarian Diasporas in the Carpathian Basin. Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó Brubaker, Rogers, Mara Loveman and Stamatov, Peter 2004.“Ethnicity as Cognition“, Theory and Society, Vol. 33, 2004, pp. 31-64. http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/soc/faculty/brubaker/Publications/24_Ethnicity_as_Cognition.pdf Brubaker, Rogers – Feischmidt Margit – Fox, Jon – Grancea, Liana 2006. Nationalist Politics and Everyday Ethnicity in a Transylvanian Town. Princeton, University Press Eriksen,Thomas Hylland Ethnicity and Nationalism: Anthropological Perspectives. www.academia.edu/2035904/Ethnicity-andNationalism-anthropological-perspectives Gal, Susan-Kingman, Gail (eds.) 2000. Reproducing Gender. Politics, Publics and Everyday Life after Socialism. Princeton, Princeton University Press Gellner, Ernest 1983. Nations and Nationalism (Oxford: Blackwell), Chapter 1 ‘Definitions’, Chapter 2 ‘Culture in Agrarian Society’ and Chapter 3 ‘Industrial Society’, pp. 1-38. http://gellnerpage.tripod.com/gellner11.html (a iné zdroje na webe pre kap. 1 a 3) Hall, Stuart: The Question of Cultural Identity. www.georgetown.edu/faculty/irniven Hobsbawm, Eric and Kertzer, David J. 1992. ‘Ethnicity and Nationalism in Europe Today‘, Anthropology Today, Vol. 8, No. 1. (Feb., 1992), pp. 3-8. http://www.rationalites-contemporaines.paris-sorbonne.fr/IMG/pdf/Hobsbawm.pdf Hobsbawm, Eric and Rangers,Terence (eds.) 1983. The Invention of Tradition. Cambridge University Press. Introduction, pp. 1-14. http://faculty.washington.edu/ellingsn/Hobsbawm_Inventing_Traditiions.pdf Hofer, Tamás – Sinkó Kalló, Katalin- Kisbán, Eszter 1994. Hungarians between East and West. Budapest, Néprajzi Múzeum Kemény István: The Gypsies/The Roma in Hungarian Society www.mek.oszk.hu/06000/06025/06025.pdf Kuligowski,Waldemar-Richard,Papp(eds.) 2015. Sterile and Isolated? An Anthropology Today in Hungary and Poland. Poznań-Wielichowo 2015, "Poznańskie Studia Etnologiczne", tom 17, Wydawnictwo TIPI Litovkina, Anna - Sollosy, Judit – Medgyes, Péter – Brzozowska, Dorota 2012. Hungarian Humour. Krakow, Tertium Löfgren, Orvar: The Nationalization of Culture. www.volksunde.uni-muenchen.de/vkeelofgren. pdf Sik, Endre (ed.) 1995. Refugees and Migrants: Hungary at a Crossroads. Budapest, Institute of Political Science of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Smith, Anthony D. 1999. Myths and Memories of the Nation. Oxford: Oxford University Press Swatridge, Colin 2010. A Country Full of Aliens. A Briton in Hungary. Budapest, Corvina