Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Társadalomtudományi Kar
TÁTK Kisebbségszociológia Tanszék
Minority policies
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
The course gives an introduction to the public policy analyses of minority related issues. It gives an overview about the different dimensions and categorisations of policies and about the trends and theories of Europeanisation and multi-level governance. Discusses the phenomena of ethnic bias within the policy cycle and ethnic power sharing and highlights their effect through international examples on the everyday life of minorities in Europe. Finally it illustrates and analyses the European models of minority participation in policy making.
Tantárgy tartalma
The course gives an introduction to the public policy analyses of minority related issues. It gives an overview about the different dimensions and categorisations of policies and about the trends and theories of Europeanisation and multi-level governance. Discusses the phenomena of ethnic bias within the policy cycle and ethnic power sharing and highlights their effect through international examples on the everyday life of minorities in Europe. Finally it illustrates and analyses the European models of minority participation in policy making.
Számonkérés és értékelés
ATTENDANCE/EXAM POLICY: Attendance is compulsory. Four classes can be missed without any consequences. If you miss 3, or more classes, you will NOT receive a grade. COURSE REQUIRMENTS: Weekly Readings: Each student will be responsible for ALL the assigned readings!!!! Each week, every student is required to read the assigned articles BEFORE that week’s class. Each student must write ONE response PER week and upload it to Canvas BEFORE that week’s class. Additionally, EACH student MUST read/present at least ONE response during class. This means that everyone must speak at least once every class. Be prepared to read your response in class every week! The written response must demonstrate that you have read all of the articles for that week. To be clear, you 5 are writing ONE response paper for each week, NOT for each article! Written responses can include a question, a critique, an analysis, etc. Your response, regardless of type, MUST be supported with context, citations from the assigned texts, explanation, justification, and relevance. DO NOT write a summary of the articles!!!!! Your written responses should analyze the texts’ content, arguments, logic and critically consider its academic validity, potential usefulness and the insights being offered by the author’s research. Participation/Preparedness: Classes will meet for 120 minutes once a week. Students should be present and engaged in class every day. Participation in classroom discussions is mandatory. Because this is largely a discussion-based course, students are required to interact not only with the instructor, but with each other as well, asking questions, providing assistance and constructive criticisms of each other's ideas. Peer-review is expected!
COURSE TEXTS: Majtényi, B. & Majtényi, Gy. (2016). A Contemporary History of Exclusion - The Roma Issue in Hungary from 1945 to 2015. Budapest-New York, Central European University Press Birkland, T. A. (2011). An Introduction to the Policy Process - Theories, Concepts, and Models of Public Policy Making. London-New York, Routledge Terrence E. C. (2003). Separation, Assimilation, or Accommodation - Contrasting Ethnic Minority Policies. Westport, Connecticut-London, Praeger Harrison, M. & Sanders, T. (Eds). (2014). Social Policies and Social Control - New Perspectives on the 'Not-So-Big Society'. Bristol, Policy Press Assigned peer-reviewed journal articles – uploaded to Canvas.

Kurzus szakjai

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