Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Társadalomtudományi Kar
TÁTK Kisebbségszociológia Tanszék
Racial thinking and xenophobia
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
The seminar aims to examine ethnic, racial and minority issues from a demographic perspective
Tantárgy tartalma
Demographic processes set to cause profound social consequences in the local, regional and global arenas of the 21st century. Rapid demographic changes (over the next few decades) are reshaping some social institutions and relations, but the extent of the changes and possible scenarios are not yet clearly foreseeable. The seminar will enable students to understand in a more complex way some racial, ethnic or minority issues from that demographic perspective. First of all, they will acquire a demographic toolkit (concepts and methods) at the beginning of the semester, so that they will be equipped to explore and apply new ways of understanding the issues of their interest through this lens. The seminar will help to identify the challenges and opportunities of demographic change in ethnic, racial and minority issues that have social, policy, economic or geopolitical relevance. In keeping with the complexity of the phenomenon, the seminar will adopt a transdisciplinary approach, including sociological, legal, public health, economic, political science, psychological, socio-political, and social-psychological perspectives alongside a primary demographic focus. The seminar will start with some introductory lectures by the teacher, in which the relevant general demographic terminology, trends and indicators will be reviewed. After the demographic basics are covered, the seminar will continue with student presentations on a specific country, region or socio-economic-political phenomenon related to ethnic-, racial- and/or minority issues, including socioeconomic and political inequalities. Students have a great deal of freedom to choose their topic according to their interests. Among the issues that can be addressed by students in this framework are, for example: what demographic conditions characterise the various ethnic, racial and minority groups of a country or a region? What are the demographic trends, and what future demographic scenarios exist? How is this framed in the given context (country, regional) and how is it reflected in different discourses? What are/can be the implications for the community and the country, for minority-majority relations? What characterises social equality / inequality relations along ethnic/race/minority lines in a given country? (For example: fertility, morbidity and mortality; wealth and poverty; migration; educational attainment; employment and economic positions; social citizenship (coverage and access to welfare/social security); health (including women’s health and reproductive health and rights); political participation and representation, segregation, etc.) How might demographic processes influence (challenge) the distribution of resources in a society? How are these issues reflected in the institutional framework of political participation and advocacy, and what are the political consequences of demographic change?
Számonkérés és értékelés
During the semester, one presentation and a 5-7 page long executive summary submitted at the end of the semester are expected. The topic and the main narrative elements (outline) of the presentations should be discussed with the lecturer at the earliest opportunity (at least one week in advance). The evaluation will be based on the structure and quality of the presentation and the executive summary (adequacy of problem definition, structure, narrative arc, argumentation and interactivity), as well as on the combination of engagement and activity during the discussions.
Sáenz, R., Morales, M.C. (2019). 6 Demography of Race and Ethnicity. In: Poston, D.L. (eds) Handbook of Population. Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-10910-3_7
Ajánlott irodalom
Sáenz et al (2015) The International Handbook of the Demography of Race and Ethnicity, Springer Dordrecht, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-90-481-8891-8

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