Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Társadalomtudományi Kar
TÁTK Kisebbségszociológia Tanszék
Academic English reading and writing
Tervezett félév
te_kód: SZOCMA-KSZ3 kurzuskód: SZOCMA-KSZ3/1
Oktatás célja
Course description: The aim of the course is to give an overview of certain techniques and methods used in academic writing along with a focus on academic reading in order for the students to get acquinted with such texts with a critical and analytical thinking.
Tantárgy tartalma
About the lessons: The lessons will take place on MS Teams biweekly on Wednesdays at 12 p.m. Each week you will be required to read the assigned chapter which will be presented by a volunteer in the first half of the class. Students will be submitting a short annotation on the chapter to Coospace before the lesson. Besides the chapter, the students will read various scientific articles which will be summarized by a volunteer and discussed with the others in the second half of the class. Everyone will submit a short assignment on the article to Coospace. Furthermore, at the beginning of the semester each student will choose a research topic about which they will write an essay by the end of the semester implementing the acquired skills during the lessons. The weekly chapters will be uploaded to Coospace along with the list of academic articles. Please, feel free to use the forum for any questions or discussion. You will find the assignments where you can upload your work on Coospace, as well. Lesson 1 (Mar 1) Introduction, discussion, schedule for the semester Lesson 2 (Mar 15) - BANK HOLIDAY – NO CLASS Planning and Preparation (at home) Lesson 3 (Mar 29) Breaking Up Long Sentences Lesson 4 (Apr 12) Structuring Paragraphs and Sentences Lesson 5 (Apr 26) Being Concise and Removing Redundancy Lesson 6 (May 10) Avoiding Ambiguity and Vagueness Lesson 7 (May 24) Paraphrasing and Plagiarism
Számonkérés és értékelés
Assignment: 1. weekly chapters – presentation/annotation 2. weekly academic paper and assignment 3. final essay The final grade is based on the presentations/annotations/assingments submitted (30%), participation (30%) and the final essay (40%).
The weekly chapters will be uploaded to Coospace along with the list of academic articles. Please, feel free to use the forum for any questions or discussion. You will find the assignments where you can upload your work on Coospace, as well. Lesson 1 (Mar 1) Introduction, discussion, schedule for the semester Lesson 2 (Mar 15) - BANK HOLIDAY – NO CLASS Planning and Preparation (at home) Lesson 3 (Mar 29) Breaking Up Long Sentences Lesson 4 (Apr 12) Structuring Paragraphs and Sentences Lesson 5 (Apr 26) Being Concise and Removing Redundancy Lesson 6 (May 10) Avoiding Ambiguity and Vagueness Lesson 7 (May 24) Paraphrasing and Plagiarism

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