Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Társadalomtudományi Kar
TÁTK Szociológia Tanszék
School and Society
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
The main aim of the course is to give an insight into the role of school in society. This includes introduction to the history of institutionalized schooling, and the main characteristics of the globalized educational system of the 21st century. The focus will be on how the school operates as a social institution and on its social functions. The classic social theories about education will also be discussed.
Tantárgy tartalma
Schedule of the class -main topics Introduction. Main topics of the semester; requirements The social history of schooling; the social history of education. Formal and informal learning. Modern society and compulsory schooling. Reading: Durkheim: The First Element of Morality: The Spirit of Discipline  (in: Arum, 2015) Education as a mobility channel; education and the reproduction of social inequalities; education and socialization Readings: Willis: Learning to Labour (in: Arum, 2015) Education as a mobility channel; education and the reproduction of social inequalities; education and socialization 2 Reading: Lareau: Invisible inequality (in: Arum, 2015) Durst, Judit, and Ábel Bereményi. ‘“I Felt I Arrived Home”: The Minority Trajectory of Mobility for First-in-Family Hungarian Roma Graduates’. In Social and Economic Vulnerability of Roma People, edited by Maria Manuela Mendes, Olga Magano, and Stefánia Toma, 229–49. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-52588-0_14. available on Canvas! Some classic theories on education: Bourdieu and capital conversion; Bernstein and linguistic codes Readings:  Collins: Functional and Conflict Theories of Educational Stratification (in: Arum, 2015) Some classic theories on education: Bourdieu and capital conversion; Bernstein and linguistic codes II. Readings: Lamont-Lareau: Cultural Capital: Allusions, Gaps, and Glissandos in Recent Theoretical Developments (in: Arum, 2015) Issues on school segregation. Socio geographical issues; school choice; school tracking Readings: Angela Oría , Alejandra Cardini , Stephen Ball , Eleni Stamou , Magda Kolokitha , Sean Vertigan & Claudia Flores‐Moreno (2007) Urban education, the middle classes and their dilemmas of school choice, Journal of Education Policy, 22:1, 91-105 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02680930601065791   available on Canvas What’s going on in schools? Curriculum and Hidden curriculum Readings: Apple: The politics of a National Curriculum (in Sadovnik, 2018) Educational policies; the global educational context Readings: Lingard, B., Sellar, S. (2013). Globalisation and Sociology of Education Policy: The Case of PISA. In: Brooks, R., McCormack, M., Bhopal, K. (eds) Contemporary Debates in the Sociology of Education. Palgrave Macmillan, London. https://doi.org/10.1057/9781137269881_2 Presentations about your school system along the dimensions discussed during the semester in class in pairs Presentations about the films in pairs Presentations about the films in pairs Summary Individual consultations on the final essays
Számonkérés és értékelés
During the semester, students will be required to do 2 individual projects, and present these in their final essays. Students are also required to to make a presentation about one of their chosen two project. The projects are the following: A: the description and the sociological analysis of the school and school system the student is familiar with (most reasonably, the one attended by the student). The dimensions of the analysis should be the dimensions of sociological analysis of schools and education introduced during the first part of the semester. B: the analysis of a problem relevant from a sociology of education point of view (as introduced during the semester) that appears in the films proposed (see below) Requirements: active presence during class; homeworks prepared; presentation (timely prepared); final essay. Grade will be composed of: 1., weekly course work and homeworks 40% 2. a short presentation about either topic A or B  [detailed description, see above!], due around week 9-10  (20%) 3., Final essay about project topics A AND B (two separate mini-essays, each composed of 1500 words (+/- 10%)  (40%). No more than 3 absences from classes are tolerated. Students with more than that will not get graded. Students who miss class(es) or don’t prepare homework due to serious health problems should contact the instructor! Late submission of homework results in a deduction of 25% of the points. A homework that is not submitted within 8 days of the original deadline is considered missing. More than 4 missing home works results in the total deduction of the points available for home works (so 40 %). The absence of any one of the home works related to the final essays will result in the deduction of 10 % from the final essay.
Main course book: Jeanne H. Ballantine, Joan Z. Spade, Jenny M. Stuber: Schools and Society (2017): A Sociological Approach to Education,,Sixth Edition, Sages. (excerpts) Sources for the readings (available on Canvas): Alan R. Sadovnik, Peter W. Cookson, Jr., Susan F. Semel and Ryan W. Coughlan (2018):  Exploring Education - An Introduction to the Foundations of Education. Routledge, London. (Selected readings) Richard Arum – Irenee R. Beattie – Karly Ford (eds 2015.): The Structure of Schooling: Readings in the Sociology of Education. (Selected readings) Levinson and Sadovnik (2002): Education and Sociology. An Encyclopedia. Routledge. All other articles to be read that are not in the above readers will be available on Canvas!

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