Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Informatikai Kar
IK Komputeralgebra Tanszék
Kriptográfiai protokollok Gy.
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
The subject covers the fundamentals of Cryptography and related protocols. It provides the core knowledge of this topic, encompasses the elicitation of requirements with appropriate documentation, requirements verification and validation. Knowledge: Students will have comprehensive and up-to-date knowledge and understanding of the general theories and the related concepts of Cryptography. Students are familiar with the basic principles of modern cryptography Students will have extensive knowledge on how to design secure cryptographic protocols and secure communication channels Abilities: Students are able to apply their mathematical, computer science and informatics skills in order to solve complex cryptographic puzzles and problems. They are aware of methods and tools for designing secure cryptographic protocols Students will have extensive knowledge on how to design secure cryptographic protocols and secure communication channels Attitude: Students are committed to lifelong learning, and are open to acquiring new Cryptographic principles. Students follow international standards to solve complex problems related to cryptography Seeks to collaborate with professionals in other fields. Autonomy, responsibility: Students take responsibility for their professional decisions made in their Cryptography-related activities. They undertake to meet deadlines and to have deadlines met. They bear responsibility for their own work as well as for the work of their colleagues they work together with in a project. Regarding mission critical IT systems, they can be entrusted with developing and operational responsibilities that are in accordance with their professional competencies.

Kurzus szakjai

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