Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Társadalomtudományi Kar
TÁTK Nemzetközi és Európai Tanulmányok Tanszék
Theories of international relations
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
introduce students to the history and basic concepts of International Relations present, and critically assess IR’s mainstream and critical approaches enable students to engage world politics and its social scientific study critically, as something embedded in a specific historical-social context to demonstrate analytical skills, through which students will be able to produce theoretically grounded, analytical texts, ranging from term papers to final these By the end of the semester, students will be able to identify, contrast and critically assess major theories of International Relations understand the role of theoretical thinking in empirical research critically engage their own biases
Tantárgy tartalma
The course offers an introduction into the analysis of international politics through the main schools and debates of the science of International Relations (IR). During the semester, students will familiarize themselves with core concepts of IR (anarchy, state, war, international norms, collective security etc.), and their various interpretations by IR’s main schools of thought. Since the course seeks to offer a general introduction, it deals both with mainstream and critical theories of IR, from Realism to Postmodernism. As a fairly young social science, IR is home to many competing approaches, which all paint very different, and often contradictory pictures of what international politics is. Therefore, the course is built to dismantle any in-built biases students might hold about the workings of international relations, and highlight the multitude of possible approaches. The course is built on the philosophy that a solid theoretical knowledge can help us understand the complex world of international politics. Moreover, theoretical thinking also affects said world: we accept or reject different policy solutions depending on how we think about key questions, such as security and the use of force, human rights or migration. This is only one of the many ways through which the theory and practice of international politics are linked.
Számonkérés és értékelés
Students will have to write three separate tests throughout the semester. The material of these tests will be gradually expanded. This means that the second test will include the material for the first; and the third test will include the material for the first and second tests. Students can get a maximum of 100 points for each test, and they will be graded on their total points. Tests will be on lecture materials as well as the mandatory readings which you can find in this syllabus.
Mandatory reading The course relies on the following book: Baylis, John, Steve Smith, és Patricia Owens, (szerk.). The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations. Oxford University Press, 2017. Assigned chapters will be available through the course’s coospace page. Recommended readings Jackson, Robert, és Georg Sørensen. Introduction to international relations: theories and approaches. Oxford University Press, 2016. Steans, Jill, et al. An introduction to international relations theory: perspectives and themes. Routledge, 2013. COOSPACE Communication concerning the course will be managed through the course’s coospace page. (https://coospace.tatk.elte.hu/coospace/). The coospace includes: This syllabus. Please read it carefully and refer to it whenever possible. Mandatory and recommended readings for the course. A forum for course-related communication. Please minimize email communication with the instructor and use this forum instead whenever possible. Weekly schedule 1. What’s the point of theory? Mandatory reading: This syllabus. Baylis, pp. 3-8. Recommended: Jackson & Sørensen pp. 3-64. Steans et al. pp. 1-8. 2. Realism Mandatory reading: Baylis Ch. 6, pp. 100-112. Recommended Jackson & Sørensen, pp. 65-74. Steans et al. pp. 53-75. 3. Liberalism Mandatory reading: Baylis Ch. 7, pp. 114-125. Recommended: Jackson & Sørensen Ch. 4, pp. 99-131. Steans et al. pp. 23-52. 4. Neo-realism and Neo-liberalism Mandatory reading: Baylis Ch. 8, pp. 127-140. Recommended: Jackson & Sørensen, pp. 75-98; 99-131. 5. First test: The test will be on the materials of weeks 1-4!eeks 1-4! 6. International Political Economy (IPE) Mandatory reading: Baylis Ch. 16, pp. 243-257. Recommended: Jackson & Sørensen Chs 6, 7, pp. 159-207. 7. Postcolonialism and Marxism Mandatory reading: Baylis Chs. 9. & 12, pp. 142-154; 185-197. Recommended: Jackson & Sørensen pp. 239-241., 167-174. 8. Constructivism Mandatory reading: Baylis 10. fejezet, 156-168. oldal Recommended: Jackson & Sørensen Ch. 8, pp. 208-230. Steans et al. pp. 183-204. 9. Second test: The test will be on the material of both weeks 1-4 and 6-8! 10. Poststructuralism Mandatory reading: Baylis Ch. 11, pp. 170-183. Recommended: Jackson & Sørensen pp. 231-239.; 245-250. Steans et al. pp. 129-154. 11. Feminism Mandatory reading: Baylis Ch. 17, pp. 258-273. Recommended: Jackson & Sørensen pp. 241-245. Steans et al. pp. 155-183. 12. Third test: The test will be on the entire course material!

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