Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Társadalomtudományi Kar
TÁTK Nemzetközi és Európai Tanulmányok Tanszék
Citizenship, nationalism
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
Course Aims  This course is designed to provide a detailed, critical and advanced understanding of the origins, manifestation, evolution and politics of citizenship and nationalism. While emphasis will be put on the historical emergence and evolution of both citizenship and nationalism within the state, the course will also examine forms of citizenship beyond the state, such as regional, supranational and cosmopolitan citizenships as well as the emergence of critical post-national narratives and ideologies, such as cosmopolitanism and anationalism. It will also review, explain and offer comparisons of citizenship laws and practices and varieties of nationalism across the globe. By so doing, it will further the participants’ understanding of the changing shape of states and institutional frameworks, and will enhance their appreciation of the inter-relationships that exist among the legal, political and economic environments. Finally, the course also aims to foster students’ research, intellectual and presentational skills and their ability to utilise information technology. Learning Outcomes On completion of the course the students should be able: • To understand the historical and institutional emergence and evolution of citizenship and the forces shaping citizenship laws and practices; • To understand the content and forms of nationalism and the complex politics surrounding it; • To reflect on and assess the institutional evolution of citizenship and the emergence of forms of citizenship below and beyond the state; • To define and distinguish concepts, ideas and narratives and to understand how their evolving meaning affects policy-making; • To understand the constraints and prospects of reform in citizenship law and politics; • To assess the ways in which national populism shapes policies and politics; • To research, collate and evaluate primary and secondary materials on chosen topics; • To utilise electronic resources to gather information, make appropriate use of relevant websites and be able to use word-processing software; • To enable the participants to develop their arguments in a logical, coherent and sophisticated manner.
Tantárgy tartalma
Boundaries What makes a nation? Theories of nationalism. Nation-states, self-determination, historical and legal accounts. Ethnic conflicts Trianon 100 Nationalism, liberalism, multiculturalism. State neutrality and fostering unity From minority protection to minority rights The origins of citizenship. Citizenship, nationality, ethnicity, cultural affinity Birthright Privilege Conceptions of transnational and supranational citizenship Political community and citizenship Citizenship tests; investment-based citizenship New trends and theories of citizenship
Számonkérés és értékelés
Assessment The course will be assessed by means of a three-hour open book examination. The examination paper will consist of six essay topics which will blend the ideas, concepts and materials discussed during the course. Students will be invited to address three topics by engaging in critical analysis and by presenting their own ideas with sophistication and rigour.
Reading Important Note There is a very large academic literature on both citizenship and nationalism. Much of it is published in an array of journal articles, as well as textbooks, research monographs and essay collections. The reading list for each topic contains and selection of highly recommended readings as well as additional readings which will enhance the participants’ skills and will ensure the attainment of the above mentioned learning outcomes. You cannot hope to cover it all; the listed reading aims to function as a guide through the maze and not as a comprehensive inventory. On topics of special interest to you, you may need to look further afield. When consulting journals in the library, remember that some journals may only be available online. Books D. Kostakopoulou, EU Citizenship Law and Policy: Beyond Brexit (Elgar, 2020) A, Wesemann, Citizenship in the European Union: Constitutionalism, Rights and Norms (Elgar, 2020) A. Yong, The Rise and Decline of Fundamental Rights in EU Citizenship (Hart, 2019) J. Dzankic, The Global Market for Investor Citizenship (Palgrave, 2019) D. Prabhat (ed.), Citizenship in Times of Turmoil? Theory, Practice and Policy (Elgar, 2019) D. Kostakopoulou, Institutional Constructivism in Social Sciences and Law (Cambridge University Press, 2018) Roger Eatwell and Matthew Goodwin, National Populism: The Revolt Against Liberal Democracy (Penguin, Random House, 2018) F. Pennings and M. Seeleib-Kaiser (eds.), EU Citizenship and Social Rights (Elgar, 2018) D. Frum, Trumpocracy: The Corruption of the American Republic (Harper Collins: 2018) L. Weinberg, Fascism, Populism and American Democracy (Routledge, 2018) D. Thym (ed.), Questioning EU Citizenship (Hart, 2017) M. Jesse, The Civic Citizens of Europe (Brill, Nijhoff: 2017) D. Kochenov (ed.), EU Citizenship and Federalism: The Role of Rights (OUP, 2017) C. Mudde and C. R. Kaltwasser, Populism: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford University Press, 2017) J-W Muller, What is Populism? (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016) R. E. Howard-Hassmann and M. Walton-Roberts, The Human Right to Citizenship (University of Penn. Press, 2015) S. Mantu, Contingent Citizenship: The Law and Practice of Citizenship Deprivation in International, European and National Perspectives (Brill/ Nijhoff, 2014) S. Hurri, Birth of European Individual (Routledge: 2014) H. van Eijken, European Citizenship (Utrecht University, 2014) J. Breuilly (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the History of Nationalism (Oxford University Press, 2013) E. Hobsbawm, Nations and Nationalism since 1789: Programme, Myth and Reality (Cambridge University Press, 2012) D. Kostakopoulou, The Future Governance of Citizenship (Cambridge University Press, 2008) W. Maas, Creating European Citizens (Rowman and Littlefield, 2007) M. Canovan, The People (Polity, 2005) P. Taggart, Populism (Open University Press: 2000) S. Castles and A. Davidson, Citizenship and Migration (Palgrave, 2000) D. Miller, On Nationality (Oxford Clarendon Press, 1995)

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