Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Társadalomtudományi Kar
TÁTK Nemzetközi és Európai Tanulmányok Tanszék
European law and law harmonisation
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
The aim of the course is to introduce students into the law of the European Union (EU). It starts with an overview of the sources of EU law and presents the Treaty on European Union (TEU) and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) as well as the legal acts adopted on the basis of the Treaties. The course also puts emphasis on the fundamental principles of EU law, such as primacy or direct effect. It discusses current issues and challenges as well, including fundamental rights in the EU or the legal dimension of Brexit. The course expects students to be able to understand and interpret EU law in order to gain a better understanding of the policies in the European Union.
Tantárgy tartalma
1. Introduction, explanation of course requirements 2. Sources of EU law: primary legal sources Paul Craig – Gráinne de Búrca (2011): EU Law: Text, Cases, and Materials. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1-29. 3. Sources of EU law: secondary legal sources Paul Craig – Gráinne de Búrca (2011): EU Law: Text, Cases, and Materials. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 103-118. 4. The supremacy of EU law Paul Craig – Gráinne de Búrca (2011): EU Law: Text, Cases, and Materials. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 256-296. 5. Direct effect Paul Craig – Gráinne de Búrca (2011): EU Law: Text, Cases, and Materials. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 180-216. 6. EU law and Hungary Horváthy Balázs – Ziegler Dezső Tamás (2017): Europeanization of the Hungarian Legal Order: From Convergence to Cancellation? In: Reviewing European Union Accession. Unexpected Results, Spillover Effects, and Externalities. Leiden: Brill. 24-40. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3121120 Ziegler Dezső Tamás (2016): The Links Between Human Rights and the Single European Market – Discrimination and Systemic Infringement. Comparative Law Review, 7(1): 1-13. 7. Fundamental rights in the EU Paul Craig – Gráinne de Búrca (2011): EU Law: Text, Cases, and Materials. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 362-406. 8. Article 7 TEU and the rule of law mechanism Leonard Besselink (2017): The Bite, the Bark, and the Howl: Article 7 TEU and the Rule of Law Initiatives In. András Jakab – Dimitry Kochenov (eds.): The Enforcement of EU Law and Values: Ensuring Member States’ Compliance. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council: A new EU Framework to strengthen the Rule of Law https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:52014DC0158&from=HU 9. Infringement proceedings & preliminary rulings Paul Craig – Gráinne de Búrca (2011): EU Law: Text, Cases, and Materials. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 408-422; 431-440; 442-472. 10. Brexit: the legal dimension Catherine Barnard – Steve Peers (2017): European Union Law (Second Edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press. 815-836 [Chapter: ‘Brexit: the Legal Dimension’] 11. EU law and international law Ramses Wessel (2020): The EU and International Law. In: Ramses A Wessel and Joris Larik (szerk.): EU External Relations Law: Text, Cases and Materials. 2nd Edition. Oxford: Hart. 139-148. 12. EU foreign relations law Ramses A. Wessel (2015): The legal dimension of European foreign policy. In. Åsne Kalland Aarstad – Katie Laatikainen – Edith Drieskens – Ben Tonra (szerk.): The SAGE Handbook of European Foreign Policy. London: Sage.
Számonkérés és értékelés
Evaluation Written (online) exam to be conducted on Coospace. 10 multiple choice tests (1 point / correct answer ): 10 points Two essay questions:                                                              15 + 15 points (we expect 13-15 sentences for each essay question in order to obtain the maximum amount of points) Altogether:                                                                                40 points. 10 multiple choice tests Max. 10 points 36-40 p. = 5 32-35 p. = 4 28-31 p. = 3 20-27 p. = 2 0 – 19 p. = 1 2 essay questions Max. 30 points Altogether:                                 Max. 40 p.
Literature Paul Craig – Gráinne de Búrca (2011): EU Law: Text, Cases, and Materials. Oxford: Oxford University Press Catherine Barnard – Steve Peers (2017): European Union Law (Second Edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press. 815-836 [Chapter: ‘Brexit: the Legal Dimension’] Ramses Wessel (2020): The EU and International Law. In: Ramses A Wessel and Joris Larik (szerk.): EU External Relations Law: Text, Cases and Materials. 2nd Edition. Oxford, Hart. 139-148 Ramses A. Wessel (2015): The legal dimension of European foreign policy. In. Åsne Kalland Aarstad – Katie Laatikainen – Edith Drieskens – Ben Tonra (szerk.): The SAGE Handbook of European Foreign Policy. London: Sage Leonard Besselink (2017): The Bite, the Bark, and the Howl: Article 7 TEU and the Rule of Law Initiatives In. András Jakab – Dimitry Kochenov (eds.): The Enforcement of EU Law and Values: Ensuring Member States’ Compliance. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Horváthy Balázs – Ziegler Dezső Tamás (2017): Europeanization of the Hungarian Legal Order: From Convergence to Cancellation? In. In: Reviewing European Union Accession. Unexpected Results, Spillover Effects, and Externalities. Leiden: Brill. 24-40 https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3121120 Ziegler Dezső Tamás (2016): The Links Between Human Rights and the Single European Market – Discrimination and Systemic Infringement. Comparative Law Review, 7(1): 1-13

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