Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

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IK-SEK Savaria Műszaki Intézet
Physics I.
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
The aim of the subject is to organize and deepen the physical knowledge of the students, to develop their scientific approach and problem-solving skills, and to find related subjects. After the successful completion of the course, the student is able to fit the physical experiences into a scientific framework, operate basic models describing physical phenomena, carry out analyses, continuously develop the related problem-solving skills, continuously follow the literature that assists him/her, to develop his/her independent learning and knowledge skills. Temperature, molecular physics. The main principle of thermodynamics I, heat capacities of condensed materials and gases. Main theorist of thermodynamics II and III, reversible and irreversible processes, Carnot cycle. Phase re-formations. The photoelectric phenomenon, the de Broglie generalization of double nature, the interpretation of the wave function. The classic atomic models, Bohr's atomic model. Basic properties of nuclei, drop model. Nuclear transformations. Elementary parts, basic interactions. The basics of special theory of relativity.
Tantárgy tartalma
1. week The concept of temperature and the zero principle of thermodynamics. Temperature scales. Thermal dilation of solid bodies, liquids and gases; ideal and realistic gases. 2. week Molecular physics. Transport processes. Kinetic gas theory. Ecvipartition item. 3. week Thermodynamic concepts. The first principle of thermodynamics. Thermal capacities of condensed materials and gases. The application of the first main item is ideal for open processes of gases. 4. week The reversible Carnot cycle. Reversible processes and entropy. 5. week Irreversible processes, the main principle of thermodynamics II. Irreversible processes and entropy. A statistician's interpretation of entropy. The third predicament of thermodynamics. 6. week Material systems, phases, phases. States, state changes. 7. week The temperature radiation. The photoelectric phenomenon. The dual nature of light. Compton effect. The de Broglie generalization of dual nature. 8. week The basics of quantum mechanics. It's an indecision principle. Interpret wave function. Atomic colors, sequences of scales. Classic nuclear models. Bohr's atomic model, Bohr's postulates, the Franck-Hertz experiment. 9. week Schrödinger equation. The Pauli principle and the electron system of atoms. X-rays and their applications. 10. week Basic properties of nuclei. Bonding energy. Drop model. 11. week Nuclear transformations. Radioactivity, nuclear reactions. 12. week Energy production based on fission. Fusion reactions in the stars and on Earth. 13. week Elementary parts, basic interactions, items of survival. The basics of special theory of relativity.
Számonkérés és értékelés
The conditions for obtaining a signature are: Absences no more than 3 allowed, i.e.: - not more than one hour per week is unverified and - total absences of no more than four hours. Replacement of missed exercises (regardless of whether justified or unverified) by the deadline, in a timely manner, agreed with the teacher (no later than the last day of the semester period). Midterm rules and regulations: students are required to bring their own writing items and clean papers. No borrowing, lending or exchange of any materials is allowed during the tests. Absentees must produce original medical certificates from approved clinics or hospitals. No parents’ letter will be accepted. Students who are absent without valid reason will be given a zero score for that test. A student will be given zero score if he or she is caught cheating during the test. No mobile phones or electronic gadgets that can store, transmit, receive data or information are allowed. Students must not talk, whisper, do hand signals or any other form of verbal or non-verbal communication during the test. Such actions will be considered as having the intention to cheat. Students who are late will not be allowed to write the test or will not be given extra time. Only essential writing materials are allowed on the student’s desk. All bags, books and any unauthorised materials should be left at the front of the classroom. Failure to follow the oral or written instructions may lead to students being penalised. At the first warning, the instructor automatically evaluates the given work at 0%, at a second warning, the instructor refuses to give signature to complete that subject. For the subjects ending with the exam: Writing and preparing the midterm paper(s) and practical task at a minimum 50% level calculated in summary. The midterm thesis written at the prescribed time and the practical task submitted by the deadline can be repeated once. On one further occasion – for the improvement of the midterm test(s) and practical task – the subject teacher may, with individual assessment, give special permission for replacement, no later than the end of the week after the semester. A total performance of less than 50% at the end of the week after the semester will result in a refusal to sign. - In the case of attendance education: max. 15-15 points can be scored with the 2 midterm tests, and max. 10-10 points can be scored with the 2 homework assignments. - In the case of online education: with the 2 Teams papers you can get max. 10-10 points, with the 2 homework tasks max. 10-10 points can be scored, if there are any. - In the case of a changing form of education during the semester: the rules of the methods of accountability that have already taken place and those that are still to be done are published in Moodle. If all the (non-repeated) midterm tests written at the prescribed time and the practical tasks submitted by the deadline are successful (i.e. their result is at least 50%), an additional point equal to 13% may be awarded. The subject teacher can add extra points if the task(s) are successfully completed. Based on the collected points in the semester the grades are determined with the following scale:            87 – 100 %                                            excellent (5)            75 – 86 %                                              good (4)            63 – 74 %                                              satisfactory (3)            50 – 62 %                                              pass (2)            0 – 49 %                                                 fail (1)
Hans C. Ohanian, John T. Markert 2007. Physics for Engineers and Scientist Vol. 1. W.W. Norton & Co. Inc. New York, London

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