Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Informatikai Kar
IK-SEK Savaria Műszaki Intézet
Materials Characterization
Tervezett félév
The major aim of the course is to introduces diverse advanced techniques enabling the characterization of various materials. Optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, elemental analysis, XRD analysis, atomic force microscopy and surface analysis techniques will be discussed in the frame of this subject. The second part of the subject deals with both static and impact testing of mechanical properties.
Oktatás célja
The major aim of the course is to introduces diverse advanced techniques enabling the characterization of various materials. Optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, elemental analysis, XRD analysis, atomic force microscopy and surface analysis techniques will be discussed in the frame of this subject. The second part of the subject deals with both static and impact testing of mechanical properties.
Tantárgy tartalma
Sample preparation. Optical microscopy. Introduction to Scanning electron microscopy. SEM: detectors and main elements of the microscope Elemental analysis: EDX and WDX. Basics of crystallography. Electron back scattering diffraction. Texture X-ray diffraction. Mechanical properties: yield point, ultimate strength, Poisson ratio, Young modulus, plastic work. Mechanical properties: Bending test. Normal and planar anisotropy. Lanford value. Limiting drawing ratio. Hardness. Determination of K1c. Charpy test.  Examination of Defects. Acoustic emission. Atomic force microscopy.
Számonkérés és értékelés
1. Attendance on lectures and practices (maximum 3 absences are allowed). 2. Submit both midterm tests 3. Each midterm exam worth 25 points. To accomplish the semester you need to acquire at least 50 points (50%).

Kurzus szakjai

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