Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak
- Kar
- Informatikai Kar
- Szervezet
- IK-SEK Savaria Műszaki Intézet
- Kód
- Cím
- Dynamics
- Tervezett félév
- Őszi
- 4
- Nyelv
- en
- Oktatás célja
- The subject introduces the laws of motion typical in engineering practice, primarily in mechanical engineering, and their practical application. It deals with rectilinear motions, planar motions, relative motions, and constrained motions. Students who complete the subject are able to recognize and solve the dynamic problems that occur in practice. They can consider and apply the principles of dynamics in the design of machines and structures. Expectantly, they are capable of analysing motions arising in engineering practice, and intervening professionally.
- Tantárgy tartalma
- Kinematics of a Particle: Rectilinear motion. Position, velocity and acceleration of a particle. Graphical interpretations. Kinematics of a Particle: Curvilinear motion. Rectangular components. Normal and tangential components. Motion of a projectile. Kinematics of a Rigid Body: Planar motion of a rigid body. Translation. Rotation about a fixed axis. Velocity and acceleration. Kinematics of a Rigid Body: General plane motion. Velocity. Instantaneous centre of zero velocity. Acceleration. Instantaneous centre of zero acceleration. Rigid-body motion in a time instance, rigid-body motion in a time interval. Relative Motion: Translating and rotating relative coordinate system. Relationships between velocities, accelerations, angular velocities, angular accelerations in absolute and relative coordinate systems. Kinetics of a Particle: Newton’s laws. Basic principles of kinetics: principle of linear impulse and momentum, principle of angular impulse and momentum. Principle of work and energy. Conservative forces and potential energy. Kinetics of a Particle: Unconstrained and constrained motion. Reactive forces, dry friction. Mass moment of inertia: Moment of inertia, product of inertia. Parallel-axis and parallel-plane theorems. Inertia tensor, principal moments of inertia. Kinetics of a Rigid Body: Basic concepts of kinetics of a rigid body: linear momentum, angular momentum, kinetic energy. Kinetics of a Rigid Body: Basic laws of kinetics for a rigid body: principle of linear impulse and momentum, principle of angular impulse and momentum, principle of work and energy. Rotation about a fixed axis. Kinetics of a Rigid Body: Planar motion of a rigid body. Rolling and sliding. Kinetics of a Rigid Body: 3D motion of a rigid body. Dynamics of motion of rigid bodies. Summary.
- Számonkérés és értékelés
- Requirements of the subject in the semester Writing and preparing the midterm test(s) and practical task at a minimum 50% level calculated in summary. The midterm tests written at the prescribed time and the practical task submitted by the deadline can be repeated once. On one further occasion – for the improvement of the midterm test(s) and practical task – the subject teacher may, with individual assessment, give special permission for replacement, no later than the end of the week after the semester. A total performance of less than 50% at the end of the week after the semester will result in a refusal to sign. - In the case of attendance education: max. 25-25 points can be scored with the 2 midterm tests. If each (non-repeated) midterm test is successful (i.e. their result is at least 50%) at the first prescribed time, and at least 2 non-mandatory homework assignments are completed then additional points equal to 13% can be earned. - In the case of online education: max. 15-15 points can be scored with the 2 Moodle online tests. - In the case of a changing form of education during the semester: the rules of the methods of accountability that have already taken place and those that are still to be done are published in Moodle. The subject teacher can add extra points for non-mandatory homework assignments. Requirements of the subject in the exam period In the exam period students need to pass the exam on one of the exam days scheduled in NEPTUN. Final exam is oral and it is worth 50 points in case of contact midterm tests, or 70 points in case of online midterm tests. Students who scored less than 50% in any of the midterm tests must take a written exam about the subject of the corresponding midterm test. If the written exam is successful (at least 50%), then the student can take the oral exam, otherwise the result of the exam is fail. Grading The subject ends with an exam, the condition for admission to the exam is to obtain a signature. The exam grade is established by aggregating the practical work and the result obtained in the exam. The value of the exam grade depending on the overall performance: 0- 49% – fail (1); 50- 62% – pass (2); 63- 74% – satisfactory (3); 75- 86% – good (4); 87-100% – excellent (5). Corrections, late Any unsuccessful or unwritten midterm test can be corrected once during the semester.
- Irodalomjegyzék
- R. C. Hibbeler 2010 Engineering Mechanics. Dynamics Pearson Prentice Hall, USA J. L. Meriam, L. G. Kraige 2012 Engineering Mechanics. Dynamics John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Kurzus szakjai
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gépészmérnöki (IK-SEK-SANB-GP-NBEN) | hu | 6 | Kötelező | 2/4 |