Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak
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- IK-SEK Savaria Műszaki Intézet
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- Measurement techniques I.
- Tervezett félév
- Őszi
- 3
- Nyelv
- en
- Leírás
- Measurements of geometric quantities typically occurring in mechanical and mechatronic systems, measurement unit system (SI), description and application of basic measurement methods, processing of measurement data. Measurement of geometric quantities (lengths, angles). Length measuring instruments, principle and using, measurement gauges, calipers, micrometers, dial gauges (comparators), measurement simulations. Errors, modalities to reduce their causes, and their impact. Creation of an appropriate metrology approach, introduction to 3D measurement. Measurement result and estimation of measurement uncertainty.
- Oktatás célja
- Measurements of geometric quantities typically occurring in mechanical and mechatronic systems, measurement unit system (SI), description and application of basic measurement methods, processing of measurement data. Measurement of geometric quantities (lengths, angles). Length measuring instruments, principle and using, measurement gauges, calipers, micrometers, dial gauges (comparators), measurement simulations. Errors, modalities to reduce their causes, and their impact. Creation of an appropriate metrology approach, introduction to 3D measurement. Measurement result and estimation of measurement uncertainty.
- Tantárgy tartalma
- Topic 1. Process based systems, measurement data processing, basic statistical concepts. Basic concepts of manufacturing and metrology, technical terms. Definition of measurement, measurement methods. Structure of the SI system, elements of the measurement unit system, basic metrological terms. Topic 2. Characteristics of measuring instruments, standards, verification, calibration, etalons. General specification of measurement result. Measurement and control, control tools – plug and ring gauges, sizing of gauges, Taylor principle. Measurement methods, direct measurement. Use of measurement tools and instruments – measuring gauges, calipers, micrometers, comparators, measurement simulations. Topic 3. Main metrological characteristics of measuring instruments, measurement errors, error sources, Abbe principle, precision and accuracy, the accuracy class, the accuracy specification for analogue and digital measuring instruments, error propagation, the error and the measurement uncertainty, standard and expanded measurement uncertainty. Topic. 4. Basics of 3D measurement, measuring machines-structure, types, comparative analysis. Topic 5. Angle measurement, methods, mechanical and electrical dividers, measurement of external and internal cones. Non-contact measurement methods – Optical measurements, basic concepts, laser length and angle measurement, optical lenses. Topic 6. Optical measurements, lens systems – oculars, objectives, prisms, mirrors, CCD cameras. Optical measuring instruments – microscopes, projectors, optical fine-touch, longitudinal measuring machines.
- Számonkérés és értékelés
- Requirements of the course: 1. Attendance on lectures and practices (maximum 3 absences are allowed). 2. To accomplish the semester and to obtain the final evaluation at least 6,5 points (50%) must be collected. Points can be obtained as follows: One Test: 13 points Based on the collected points in the semester (maximum 13 points) the grades are determined with the following scale: 0- 49% – unsatisfactory (1); 50- 62% – satisfactory (2); 63- 74% – medium (3); 75- 86% – good (4); 87- 100% – excellent (5). Any unsuccessful or unwritten test can only be corrected once. During the 7 semesters of the education, any student can ask officially the Head of the Mechanical Engineering Programme for one single time to do a retest on any subject based on "ex aequo et bono", in order to enter the exam period and to have the chance of finishing her/his exams. This possibility can only be taken once!
- Irodalomjegyzék
- 1. N.V. Raghavendra, L. Krishnamurthy: Engineering Metrology and Measurements, 2013, Oxford University Press, ISBN-13: 978-0-19-808549-2. 2. Alessandro Ferrero, Dario Petri: Modern Measurements – Fundamentals and applications, 2015, John Wiley, ISBN: 978-1-118-17131-8. 3. ***: Evaluation of measurement data - Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement, 2008, https://www.bipm.org
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