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- IK-SEK Savaria Műszaki Intézet
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- Measurement techniques II.
- Tervezett félév
- Őszi
- 4
- Nyelv
- en
- Oktatás célja
- Subject code Subject name Weekly lessons Requirement Credit Semester L P s p e SBANGP5312EN Measurement Techniques II 2 2 X 4 6 1. Degree course Mechanical Engineering BSc 2. Institute Savaria Institute of Technology 3. Subject leader Dr. Endre Janosi 4. Lecturer Dr. Luis Rubio position Research Fellow institute / faculty Savaria Institute of Technology, Faculty of Informatics 5. Subject type A B C PR X 6. Preliminary studies Subject code Measurement systems I SBANGP3120EN 7. Following studies Subject code 8. Aim of the subject Students who complete the subject gain knowledge about the basics of measurement techniques explained below. Students will be acquainted fundamental insights into mentioned measurement techniques.
- Tantárgy tartalma
- 5. Subject type A B C PR X 6. Preliminary studies Subject code Measurement systems I SBANGP3120EN 7. Following studies Subject code 8. Aim of the subject Students who complete the subject gain knowledge about the basics of measurement techniques explained below. Students will be acquainted fundamental insights into mentioned measurement techniques. 9. Schedule of lectures 1. week Pneumatic measurement methods, principle of operation, tactile types, measurement applications. 2. week Surface roughness, definition, types, measurement methods. 3. week Gears, main types, simplified representation, accuracy classes of gears, methods of checking for complex gear defects. 4. week Gears, main types, simplified representation, accuracy classes of gears, methods of checking for individual gear defects. 5. week Measuring sensors, principle of operation, main types, and their operation. 6. week Measuring bridge (Wheatstone Bridge), representation and operation, measuring bridge types, applications. 7. week Industrial proximity switches, operating principles (mechanical, inductive, capacitive, optical), 8. week Strain gauges, construction, operation, types, measurement applications. 9. week Speed and rotation measurement methods. 10. week Pressure measurement methods (mechanical, electrical. 11. week Liquid level and flow measurement methods (mechanical, electrical). 12. week Temperature scales, temperature measurement methods (mechanical, electrical, optical). 13. week Force and torque measurement methods (mechanical, electrical). 10. Schedule of practices 1-13. Follows the schedule of the lectures 11. Lectures and practices Lecture: 1.5 hours / week Practice: 1.5 hours / week Office hours: based on prior arrangement
- Számonkérés és értékelés
- Requirements of the subject in the semester 1. Attendance on lectures and practices (maximum 3 absences are allowed). 2. Take 2 midterm exams 3. Each midterm exam is worth 25 points. The subject leader may give additional points for submitting non-mandatory homework assignments. To accomplish the semester the student needs to acquire at least 25 points (50%). Alternatively, one presentation at the end of the two lectures will be assigned to work in groups. If they are done successfully from individual perspectives, exams will not be carried out. Exams will be individually done. in the exam period There is no exam. Grading The final grade is determined based on the following method: both of the scores achieved during the semester and during the final exam account 50% of the overall score. The grades are determined with the following scale: 87 – 100 % excellent (5) 75 – 86 % good (4) 63 – 74 % pass (3) 50 – 62 % satisfactory (2) 0 – 49 % fail (1) Corrections, late 1. Any unsuccessful or unwritten midterm exam can be corrected once during the semester. 2. With permission of the lecturer, students may take an additional correction exam before the end of the first week of the exam period, but further correction is not permitted. Office hours Based on prior personal or email discussion. Effort Attendance on lectures and practices and additional self-working: 3-4 hours / week. 15-20 hours study in the exam period. Technical requirements With accomplishment of the course, the students have skills to apply the basic concepts and methods of measurement systems, have routine for analyzing measurement methodologies, have knowledge of the fundamental concepts of measurement systems. Quality assurance methods attendance on international, scientific conferences; investigation of the topic’s literature knowing of partner universities’ educational materials; course evaluation by students. Curriculum development politic investigation of the topic’s literature, if it is needed improvement or expansion; relationship with professional organizations; in case of considerable change in the curriculum, supervision and acceptance of Faculty Council is needed.
- Irodalomjegyzék
- Recommended literature Author(s) Year Title Publisher John P. Bentley 2004 Principles of measurement systems, 4th Ed. Pearson. Prentice Hall. Ernest O. Doebelin 1990 Measurement Systems, Applications and Design. Mcgraw-Hill
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