Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Bölcsészettudományi Kar
BTK Magyar Nyelvtudományi és Finnugor Intézet
BA course for incoming Erasmus students seminar: Personal names, culture and history in Central Europe
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
Providing a comprehensive picture about the similarities and differences of the personal name systems, their historical and cultural background of the V4 countries, with an introduction into the basic terminology, sources and methods of onomastics (i.e., the field of name studies). a) knowledge – The student has a knowledge of the fundamental characteristics of the Hungarian and Slavic personal name stocks and name-giving, in their European context. – The student knows the most characteristic similarities and differences in the personal name systems of the V4 countries. b) skills – The student is able to recognize and interpret the linguistic features, historical, social and cultural embeddedness and interconnections of certain phenomena related to the personal name stocks, name-giving and name use of the V4 countries. – The student is able to pick and apply the most typical methods eligible for the approach of actual questions and practical problems related to the personal name stocks, name giving and name use of the V4 countries. c) attitudes – The student makes a conscious effort to develop an inter- and multicultural vision, accepting that phenomena connected to proper names are linguistically, historically, socially, geographically and culturally determined and varied. – The student endeavours to recognise and understand the connections between onomastics and other fields of science as well as to utilise multidisciplinary approach in their own professional activity. d) autonomy and responsibility – The student knowingly reflects upon the historically and culturally embedded nature of personal name studies. – The student bears responsibility of their scientific and science popularising texts, is aware of their potential professional evaluation, practical and ethical consequencies. – The student strives to work with their peers and lecturers in a spirit of mutual respect and cooperation.
Tantárgy tartalma
The characteristics, the similarities and differences of the personal name systems, name stocks and name use of the V4 region (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) and their linguistic, historical, social and cultural connections in a wider European context. Introduction into the origins and changes of the first name stocks and name giving motives, habits, traditions; social and territorial differences in name-giving and name use; the surname systems, their history and their changes; marital names and their legal regulations; the system and use of nicknames etc. Simultaneously, courses at the Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra and the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań respectively will be organised, and students and instructors from the 3 universities and the Czech Language Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences join the same online classes.
Számonkérés és értékelés
presentation, five grade mark
Bölcskei, Andrea – Farkas, Tamás – Slíz, Mariann eds. 2017. Magyar és nemzetközi névtani terminológia / Hungarian and International Onomastic Terminology. International Council of Onomastic Sciences – Magyar Nyelvtudományi Társaság, Uppsala–Budapest. Selected parts. Eichler, Ernst et alii eds. 1995–1996. Namenforschung / Name Studies / Les noms propres. HSK. 11.1–2. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin – New York.  Selected parts. Farkas, Tamás 2009. Surnames of Foreign Origin in a Language Contact Situation. In: Ahrens, Wolfgang – Embleton, Sheila – Lapierre, André eds., Names in Multi-Lingual, Multi-Cultural and Multi-Ethnic Contact. Toronto: York University. 365–374. http://pi.library.yorku.ca/dspace/handle/10315/3967 Harvalik, Milan 2012. The Development of Personal Names in Czech. In: Larsson, Lars-Gunnar – Nyström, Staffan eds., Facts and Findings on Personal Names. Some European Examples. Proceedings of an International Symposium in Uppsala, October 20-21, 2011. Kungliga Vetenskapssamhället, Sundbyberg. 59–70. Hough, Carole ed. 2016. The Oxford Handbook of Names and Naming. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Selected parts. Slíz, Mariann 2017. Personal Names in Medieval Hungary. Baar-Verlag, Hamburg. Selected parts.

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