Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Bölcsészettudományi Kar
BTK Magyar Nyelvtudományi és Finnugor Intézet
BA course for incoming Erasmus students seminar: Introduction to Cognitive Hungarian Grammar
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Oktatás célja
Aims of the subject: Theoretical and practical study of the grammatical structure of the Hungarian language, learning the basics of grammar and cognitive linguistics. Understanding the formal, semantic, and symbolic units and elements of language and their interrelations. Identify and analyse syllable structures, meaning structures, lexical networks, sentence functions and types confidently. Learning analytical techniques from the function and structure of the modern Hungarian language. Discussion of theory and practice issues through individual work and in groups. Under the guidance of a teacher, mastery of independent linguistic analysis with a cognitive approach. Conscious use of corpus-based linguistic data and knowledge of the structural diversity of the Hungarian language. a) knowledge: The student is familiar with corpus-based methods. The student is familiar with modern handbooks, online journals and databases of cognitive linguistics. The student is able to look at the phenomena of language usage from different linguistic theoretical perspectives. Is familiar with cognitive grammar approach. The student is capable of mapping, modelling and interpreting the diversity of knowledge about language (systemic, social and cultural). The student recognizes the cognitive principles of language. Is able to see through the structure and scientific categorisation of syllables, words, clauses in discourse. Can learn and practice the schemas and system of constructions for the relationships between units, recognising the network of units and schemas. The student gains knowledge of the unique grammatical features of the Hungarian language. Is able to compare Hungarian grammatical features with the grammatical features of at least one foreign grammar of choice. b) skills: The student has the ability to express herself professionally, both orally and in writing, and to use her subject and methodological competences in an adaptive and creative way. The student is able to map, model and interpret the diversity of knowledge of language (systemic, social and cultural). The student is able to apply her grammatical knowledge in the practice of language use: in the recognition of spelling, grammatical correctness, stylistic and textual phenomena, and in the use of grammatical schemas; in short, her grammatical knowledge becomes the base of her linguistic knowledge. The student understands the content of specialist textbooks of the field and is able to formulate an independent opinion on different theoretical issues. Understands the changes in the use of elements and rules resulting from changes in language. Can present her knowledge of cognitive grammar in a precise and adequate way. Is able to judge new linguistic phenomena (sentence types, new syntactic phenomena in live speech). c) attitudes: The student strives to transmit the core values of national culture. Recognises the specific and unique features of Hungarian grammatical systems. Is able to relate the knowledge acquired in grammar to her knowledge of the literature, history, art and other cultural aspects of the nation. Is able to understand the grammatical aspects of the Hungarian spelling rules, and to use her knowledge of sentence structure in the analysis of literary texts. The student develops thinking through the practice of linguistic analysis and the diversity of practical methods. Strives to be accurate, authentic, stylistically and ethically correct. Aims to learn about other linguistic, communicative, artistic and natural systems, as her grammatical proficiency broadens her systemic skills. The student, through language, understands and accepts the diversity of human society. d) autonomy and responsibility: The student is able to engage in continuous and independent self-learning in her field of expertise and to cooperate with others in a professional manner that supports her professional development. The student feels responsible for the use of language by herself and her environment. She is able to judge the appropriateness of language use; she consciously strive to do so in her profession. The student uses the language of her chosen profession accurately. Has a need to continuously monitor the results of scientific and methodological research and to adequately integrate them into her professional work.
Tantárgy tartalma
Topics: Concepts and relations between language and cognition. Corpus-linguistic methods in grammatical research. Unipolar and bipolar linguistic units. Syllables and words. Understanding basic morphological concepts. Classification of morphological constructions according to function. Analysis of morphemic structures and their schemas of formation. Semantic criteria for classifying parts-of-speech, groups of parts-of-speech. Cognitive relationship between part-of-speech and part-of-sentence function. Formal, syntactic-functional, semantic analysis of each POS. Recognition and practice of word formation: schemas of word derivation, compounding. The functional concept of the sentence. Implicit meanings of sentences, modality, sentence types. Recognition of the relations within a clause, their semantic characterisation, their lexical and formal properties, their analysis. Typology of complex sentences. Rules for the formation of subordinate and coordinate clauses, recognition and use of grammatical and cognitive tools of sentence formation.
Számonkérés és értékelés
presentation of individual research, seminar paper, class performance

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