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- Film and History: eyewitnessing
- Tervezett félév
- Tavaszi
- 6
- Nyelv
- Tantárgy tartalma
- Monika Matay Film and History: eyewitnessing How can historians use films as historical sources? Can we only incorporate documentaries into our research, or films in general are worth of historical analysis? Visual sources have been integral to social memory since the early times of human history, cave drawings had been important ways of expressing feelings and ideas. Since that ancient time period, the human being had produced immense amounts of visual traces which are supposed to be read as texts and interpreted as objectifications of human behavior and thoughts. Since the beginning of the 20th century the moving picture became even more integral part of human history. Paraphrasing John Austin’ seminal question, How to do things with words?, we can pose the question: How to do things with films? To understand the influences and manipulative potentials, techniques of films are possible analytical ways to approach this unique set of sources, but beyond that, we can turn to films in many other ways. How did electronic visual image change the perception of reality? How did films influence historical, geographic, etc. knowledge in general? How did values transmitted via films shape social life, communication, social behavior? During the seminars we watch and analyze a selection of important and influential European films in order to understand the relationship between modern social world and the moving picture more deeply. The goal of class discussions is to put the films into their original political and cultural context in order to get a better understanding of their impacts. Final grade: Attendance and participation in class discussions (50%), powerpoint presentation (25%), short essay (25%).