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- The Geopolitics of the Mediterranean
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- 6
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- Course Description The course, “The Geopolitics of the Mediterranean,” delves into the Mediterranean basin's intricate geopolitical significance, which has evolved over a millennium of political and military history. Situated at the crossroads of three continents and serving as a pivotal point between the East and West, the Mediterranean has emerged as a focal arena for power rivalries between civilizations. Its geopolitical centrality is underscored by its placement in influential geopolitical theories, including Mackinder's Heartland, Spykman's Rimland, and Mahan's Sea Power. In the modern context, the concept of geopolitics has evolved alongside developments in maritime law, the growing importance of energy resources, and advancements in maritime transportation, further elevating the Mediterranean's geopolitical relevance. As a testament to its contemporary significance, approximately 90% of global trade is conducted via maritime routes, accentuating the Mediterranean's indispensable role in international trade and the global economy. Moreover, the region has transitioned into a key geostrategic area due to technological advancements and the exploration of energy resources. This course aims to provide students with a solid foundational understanding of the Mediterranean's geopolitical importance, equipping them with the knowledge necessary to appreciate its role in global affairs. By exploring the historical context and contemporary dynamics of the region, participants will gain valuable insights and foster innovative ideas in the realm of geopolitics.
- Tantárgy tartalma
- Short Description The course explores the historical and contemporary significance of the Mediterranean basin, a geopolitical crossroads between three continents. This course delves into its role in historical power rivalries and its place in geopolitics with its central role in global trade and energy resources. Syllabus Week Course overview, syllabus review, and introduction to concept of Mediterranean and Geopolitics. Selected Bibliography Roucek, Joseph S. "The Geopolitics of the Mediterranean." The American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 1953 Week Whose ‘Mediterranean’? The concept of Mediterranean-ness, the cultural, political, and geographical boundaries of the region. Selected Bibliography Chambers, Iain. “Mediterranean crossings: The politics of an interrupted modernity”. Duke University Press, 2008. Pace, Michelle. “The Politics of Regional Identity: Meddling with the Mediterranean.” Routledge, 2005. Week Geopolitics of the Mediterranean. Exploration of influential geopolitical theories (Mackinder, Spykman, Mahan) and application of these theories to the Mediterranean region. Selected Bibliography Criekemans, David, ed. “Geopolitics and International Relations.” Brill Nijhoff, 2022. Week Historical context of the Mediterranean’s geopolitical significance. Is one dominant empire or a group of national states better for regional stability? Selected Bibliography Roger Crowley, “Empires of the Sea: The Siege of Malta, the Battle of Lepanto, and the Contest for the Center of the World.” Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2009. Week Power rivalries in the Early Modern Mediterranean World. What roles did the Genoese and Venetians play in the early modern era? Pirates as a non-governmental actor. In what ways did the clash between merchants and pirates both mirror and contribute to religious conflicts in the Mediterranean world? Selected Bibliography Roger Crowley, “Empires of the Sea: The Siege of Malta, the Battle of Lepanto, and the Contest for the Center of the World.” Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2009. Greene, Molly. “Catholic pirates and greek merchants: A maritime history of the early modern Mediterranean.” Princeton University Press, 2010. Week Whose Lake? Ottomans and Habsburg power rivalry for the Mediterranean. Is this the clash between the West and the East in the Mediterranean or the struggle for dominance of two Mediterranean empires? Selected Bibliography Hanß, Stefan, and Dorothea McEwan. “The Habsburg Mediterranean, 1500–1800.” Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2021. Casale, Giancarlo. “The Ottoman age of exploration.” Oxford University Press, 2010. Week The great powers' struggle for colonization on the sea, the regression of the Ottoman Empire. What were the ambitions and engagements of great powers such as France, Britain, and Russia in the Mediterranean during the Ottoman Empire's decline? Selected Bibliography R. F. Holland, “Blue-Water Empire: The British in the Mediterranean since 1800.” London, Penguin, 2013. Borutta, Manuel, and Sakis Gekas. "A colonial sea: The Mediterranean, 1798–1956." European Review of History: Revue européenne d'histoire 19.1, 2012. Week Clash of civilizations in the region? Is the concept of a “clash of civilizations” a valuable tool for comprehending both historical events and current dynamics in the Mediterranean region? Selected Bibliography Huntington, Samuel P. “The clash of civilizations?” The New Social Theory Reader. Routledge, 2020. Roger Crowley, “Empires of the Sea: The Siege of Malta, the Battle of Lepanto, and the Contest for the Center of the World.” Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2009. Week 20th century and the Mediterranean Sea. Importance of region during WW1 and WW2. Colonial problem and its reflection on Cyprus issue. Selected Bibliography Salerno, Reynolds Mathewson. “Vital Crossroads: Mediterranean Origins of the Second World War, 1935-1940.” Cornell University Press, 2002. Hakki, Murat Metin. “The Cyprus issue: a documentary history, 1878-2007.” Bloomsbury Publishing, 2007. Week Modern geopolitics of the Mediterranean. Energy resources, Maritime Law, Trade. Selected Bibliography Stocker, James. "No EEZ solution: the politics of oil and gas in the Eastern Mediterranean." The Middle East Journal, 2012. Özgür, Hayriye Kahveci. "Eastern Mediterranean hydrocarbons: Regional potential, challenges ahead, and the ‘hydrocarbon-ization’of the Cyprus problem." Perceptions: Journal of International Affairs 22.2 (2017): 31-56. Week Contemporary conflicts and security challenges in the Euro-Mediterranean region. Selected Bibliography Gaiser, Laris, and Dejan Hribar. "Euro-Mediterranean region: Resurged geopolitical importance." International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies, 2012. Biscop, Sven. “Euro-Mediterranean security: A search for partnership: A search for partnership.” Routledge, 2017. Week Contemporary conflicts and security challenges in the Eastern Mediterranean region. Selected Bibliography Giannakopoulos, Angelos, ed. “Energy Cooperation and Security in the Eastern Mediterranean: A Seismic Shift towards Peace or Conflict?” S. Daniel Abraham Center for International and Regional Studies, Tel Aviv University, 2016. Eissler, Eric R., and Gözde Arasıl. "Maritime Boundary Delimitation in the Eastern Mediterranean: A New Conflict between Cyprus, Turkey, Greece and Israel?" The RUSI Journal 159.2, 2014. Week Cooperation and Diplomacy. Analysis of regional and international organizations and alliances. Can the Mediterranean Union be established? Can there be a Mediterranean concept like European or Middle Eastern? Selected Bibliography Bicchi, Federica. "The Union for the Mediterranean, or the changing context of Euro-Mediterranean relations." Mediterranean politics 16.01, 2011. Grigoriadis, Ioannis N. "Energy discoveries in the Eastern Mediterranean: conflict or cooperation?" Middle East Policy 21.3 (2014) Week Final exam Syllabus Week Course overview, syllabus review, and introduction to concept of Mediterranean and Geopolitics. Selected Bibliography Roucek, Joseph S. "The Geopolitics of the Mediterranean." The American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 1953 Week Whose ‘Mediterranean’? The concept of Mediterranean-ness, the cultural, political, and geographical boundaries of the region. Selected Bibliography Chambers, Iain. “Mediterranean crossings: The politics of an interrupted modernity”. Duke University Press, 2008. Pace, Michelle. “The Politics of Regional Identity: Meddling with the Mediterranean.” Routledge, 2005. Week Geopolitics of the Mediterranean. Exploration of influential geopolitical theories (Mackinder, Spykman, Mahan) and application of these theories to the Mediterranean region. Selected Bibliography Criekemans, David, ed. “Geopolitics and International Relations.” Brill Nijhoff, 2022. Week Historical context of the Mediterranean’s geopolitical significance. Is one dominant empire or a group of national states better for regional stability? Selected Bibliography Roger Crowley, “Empires of the Sea: The Siege of Malta, the Battle of Lepanto, and the Contest for the Center of the World.” Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2009. Week Power rivalries in the Early Modern Mediterranean World. What roles did the Genoese and Venetians play in the early modern era? Pirates as a non-governmental actor. In what ways did the clash between merchants and pirates both mirror and contribute to religious conflicts in the Mediterranean world? Selected Bibliography Roger Crowley, “Empires of the Sea: The Siege of Malta, the Battle of Lepanto, and the Contest for the Center of the World.” Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2009. Greene, Molly. “Catholic pirates and greek merchants: A maritime history of the early modern Mediterranean.” Princeton University Press, 2010. Week Whose Lake? Ottomans and Habsburg power rivalry for the Mediterranean. Is this the clash between the West and the East in the Mediterranean or the struggle for dominance of two Mediterranean empires? Selected Bibliography Hanß, Stefan, and Dorothea McEwan. “The Habsburg Mediterranean, 1500–1800.” Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2021. Casale, Giancarlo. “The Ottoman age of exploration.” Oxford University Press, 2010. Week The great powers' struggle for colonization on the sea, the regression of the Ottoman Empire. What were the ambitions and engagements of great powers such as France, Britain, and Russia in the Mediterranean during the Ottoman Empire's decline? Selected Bibliography R. F. Holland, “Blue-Water Empire: The British in the Mediterranean since 1800.” London, Penguin, 2013. Borutta, Manuel, and Sakis Gekas. "A colonial sea: The Mediterranean, 1798–1956." European Review of History: Revue européenne d'histoire 19.1, 2012. Week Clash of civilizations in the region? Is the concept of a “clash of civilizations” a valuable tool for comprehending both historical events and current dynamics in the Mediterranean region? Selected Bibliography Huntington, Samuel P. “The clash of civilizations?” The New Social Theory Reader. Routledge, 2020. Roger Crowley, “Empires of the Sea: The Siege of Malta, the Battle of Lepanto, and the Contest for the Center of the World.” Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2009. Week 20th century and the Mediterranean Sea. Importance of region during WW1 and WW2. Colonial problem and its reflection on Cyprus issue. Selected Bibliography Salerno, Reynolds Mathewson. “Vital Crossroads: Mediterranean Origins of the Second World War, 1935-1940.” Cornell University Press, 2002. Hakki, Murat Metin. “The Cyprus issue: a documentary history, 1878-2007.” Bloomsbury Publishing, 2007. Week Modern geopolitics of the Mediterranean. Energy resources, Maritime Law, Trade. Selected Bibliography Stocker, James. "No EEZ solution: the politics of oil and gas in the Eastern Mediterranean." The Middle East Journal, 2012. Özgür, Hayriye Kahveci. "Eastern Mediterranean hydrocarbons: Regional potential, challenges ahead, and the ‘hydrocarbon-ization’of the Cyprus problem." Perceptions: Journal of International Affairs 22.2 (2017): 31-56. Week Contemporary conflicts and security challenges in the Euro-Mediterranean region. Selected Bibliography Gaiser, Laris, and Dejan Hribar. "Euro-Mediterranean region: Resurged geopolitical importance." International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies, 2012. Biscop, Sven. “Euro-Mediterranean security: A search for partnership: A search for partnership.” Routledge, 2017. Week Contemporary conflicts and security challenges in the Eastern Mediterranean region. Selected Bibliography Giannakopoulos, Angelos, ed. “Energy Cooperation and Security in the Eastern Mediterranean: A Seismic Shift towards Peace or Conflict?” S. Daniel Abraham Center for International and Regional Studies, Tel Aviv University, 2016. Eissler, Eric R., and Gözde Arasıl. "Maritime Boundary Delimitation in the Eastern Mediterranean: A New Conflict between Cyprus, Turkey, Greece and Israel?" The RUSI Journal 159.2, 2014. Week Cooperation and Diplomacy. Analysis of regional and international organizations and alliances. Can the Mediterranean Union be established? Can there be a Mediterranean concept like European or Middle Eastern? Selected Bibliography Bicchi, Federica. "The Union for the Mediterranean, or the changing context of Euro-Mediterranean relations." Mediterranean politics 16.01, 2011. Grigoriadis, Ioannis N. "Energy discoveries in the Eastern Mediterranean: conflict or cooperation?" Middle East Policy 21.3 (2014) Week Final exam
- Irodalomjegyzék
- Bibliography Bicchi, Federica. "The Union for the Mediterranean, or the changing context of Euro-Mediterranean relations." Mediterranean politics 16.01, 2011. Biscop, Sven. “Euro-Mediterranean security: A search for partnership: A search for partnership.” Routledge, 2017. Borutta, Manuel, and Sakis Gekas. "A colonial sea: The Mediterranean, 1798–1956." European Review of History: Revue européenne d'histoire 19.1, 2012. Casale, Giancarlo. “The Ottoman age of exploration.” Oxford University Press, 2010. Chambers, Iain. “Mediterranean crossings: The politics of an interrupted modernity”. Duke University Press, 2008. Criekemans, David, ed. “Geopolitics and International Relations.” Brill Nijhoff, 2022. Eissler, Eric R., and Gözde Arasıl. "Maritime Boundary Delimitation in the Eastern Mediterranean: A New Conflict between Cyprus, Turkey, Greece and Israel?" The RUSI Journal 159.2, 2014. Gaiser, Laris, and Dejan Hribar. "Euro-Mediterranean region: Resurged geopolitical importance." International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies, 2012. Giannakopoulos, Angelos, ed. “Energy Cooperation and Security in the Eastern Mediterranean: A Seismic Shift towards Peace or Conflict?” S. Daniel Abraham Center for International and Regional Studies, Tel Aviv University, 2016. Grigoriadis, Ioannis N. "Energy discoveries in the Eastern Mediterranean: conflict or cooperation?" Middle East Policy 21.3 (2014) Hakki, Murat Metin. “The Cyprus issue: a documentary history, 1878-2007.” Bloomsbury Publishing, 2007. Hanß, Stefan, and Dorothea McEwan. “The Habsburg Mediterranean, 1500–1800.” Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2021. Huntington, Samuel P. “The clash of civilizations?” The New Social Theory Reader. Routledge, 2020. Özgür, Hayriye Kahveci. "Eastern Mediterranean hydrocarbons: Regional potential, challenges ahead, and the ‘hydrocarbon-ization’of the Cyprus problem." Perceptions: Journal of International Affairs 22.2 (2017): 31-56. Pace, Michelle. “The Politics of Regional Identity: Meddling with the Mediterranean.” Routledge, 2005. R. F. Holland, “Blue-Water Empire: The British in the Mediterranean since 1800.” London, Penguin, 2013. Roger Crowley, “Empires of the Sea: The Siege of Malta, the Battle of Lepanto, and the Contest for the Center of the World.” Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2009. Roger, Crowley. “Empires of the Sea: The Siege of Malta, the Battle of Lepanto, and the Contest for the Center of the World.” Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2009. Roucek, Joseph S. "The Geopolitics of the Mediterranean." The American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 1953 Salerno, Reynolds Mathewson. “Vital Crossroads: Mediterranean Origins of the Second World War, 1935-1940.” Cornell University Press, 2002. Şener, Mustafa Burak. “The Eastern Mediterranean Triangle: Cooperation Among Regional States.” Mediterrán és Balkán Fórum. Stocker, James. "No EEZ solution: the politics of oil and gas in the Eastern Mediterranean." The Middle East Journal, 2012.