Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Bölcsészettudományi Kar
BTK Történeti Intézet
Jewish History and Culture in Central Europe
Tervezett félév
Tantárgy tartalma
Social History of Modern Anti-Semitism This seminar introduces students to Central European Jewish history and historiography. The readings and class discussions provide a short overview of the history of the Jews in Europe where we try to understand how the Jews faced permanent challenges from the world around them, and how and to what extent they managed to integrate themselves into various European countries. In addition, the seminars and the readings focus on cultural, social and theoretical issues, among others, historical memory, nationalism and national symbols, oral history, modernization, the Holocaust and representation. During the semester we incorporate the findings of the latest historiographical trends into our work and we use various historical sources. Besides scholarly essays, we analyze memoirs, literary texts, microhistorical studies, visual images and documentaries. The course combines the grand narratives, the macrohistorical approach with microscopic topics, such as the notorious and scandalous Tiszaeszlár ritual murder. Course Requirements & Grading: Students are expected to read assigned texts and actively participate in class discussions. Both the midterm and the final exams are take-home essays. The midterm paper has to be 4-5 pages, the final paper 8-10 pages. Both essays need to meet the assigned page length and must be typed. The final grade of the course will reflect on classroom participation (30%), midterm paper (30%) and the final paper (40%).

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