Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak
- Kar
- Bölcsészettudományi Kar
- Szervezet
- BTK Könyvtár- és Információtudományi Intézet
- Kód
- Cím
- History of Culture and Libraries
- Tervezett félév
- Őszi
- 6
- Nyelv
- en
- Oktatás célja
- Module Aims To teach the crucial periods of Culture and Libraries in Hungary and abroad.
- Tantárgy tartalma
- Module Subject Programme: - Technical matters: writing, books, and libraries. Scroll and codex. The invention of paper: the birth of Papermaking. History of scriptorium and the evolution of the book in the middle age - Renaissance culture in Hungary: the Kingdom in the 15the-17th century, Bibliotheca Corviniana, Digital and virtual collection of Bibliotheca Corviniana, the book printing - The Partition of Hungary, 150 years after the defeat at Mohács. The Reformation came to Hungary. Transylvania. Rákóczi and Zrínyi family. The school system - Rare books and protestant area. Bible in Vizsoly. Bibles in 16-18 century - History of Hungarian libraries. Reading clubs.
- Számonkérés és értékelés
- Requirement Essay - Min. 10 pages with 20 sources in printing and electronic form. Please cite the source according to the bibliographic standards (on the bottom of page). Presenting essay on the presentation day. Lecture should be about 20 minutes long.
- Irodalomjegyzék
- Depending requirements of the sending institutions