Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Bölcsészettudományi Kar
BTK Amerikanisztika Tanszék
Választható amerikai történelmi szeminárium: Az amerikai sport története és kultúrája
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
The objective of the course is to depict the singular and distinctive characteristics of professional sports in America. Sports has become a platform for political activism – a stage of resistance –, where social and cultural views are challenged by athletes who have found their voice and use their public profile to address various issues. We will discuss the importance of sports in America through the cultural, social, and political issues raised during its history.
Tantárgy tartalma
During the semester we will discuss the status and importance of sports in America, its significance within the social and political construct of American culture. We will discuss the history of sports with a special focus on such issues as racism, racial integration, civil rights activism, sexism and gender, LGBT rights, college athletics and the NCAA, protest and politics in sports, and the business side of sports as a form of mass entertainment. We will debate such questions as do sports and politics mix, should athletes use their public profile to engage in activism, should college student athletes be treated as amateur or professional athletes, should sports be used as a vehicle of hyper patriotism, and why can athletes and owners be heroes or villains?
Számonkérés és értékelés
Essay: 40 Points; an essay on the culture of sports in America in which the student summarizes the findings of his or her research. The paper has to be minimum 4 pages long following the MLA formatting and style requirements. Presentation: 30 Points; the students have to give a 15 minute long presentation on a topic related to the course, a handout should be prepared on the topic. Assignments: 30 Points; two home assignments (15 points per assignment) during the semester on the required readings and the material covered in class. Class participation: preparedness for class, completed reading assignments, and contribution to the class discussion is expected of students. Attendance: regular attendance is mandatory (no more than 3 absences) for completing the course. Grading:             5: 100-90 Points             4:   89-80 Points             3:   79-70 Points             2:   69-60 Points             1:   59-0   Points
·       Gorn, Elliott J., and Warren Goldstein. A Brief History of American Sports. 2nd ed. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2013. ·       Harris, Duchess, and Cynthia Kennedy Henzel. Politics and Protest In Sports. Minneapolis: Abdo Publishing, 2019. ·       Harris, Duchess, and Kate Conley. Gender And Race In Sports. Minneapolis: Abdo Publishing, 2019. ·       Zirin, Dave. Game Over. How Politics Has Turned The Sports World Upside Down. New York: The New Press, 2013. ·       Zirin, Dave. What’s My Name, Fool? Sports and Resistance in the United States. Chicago: Haymarket Books, 2019.

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