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BTK Amerikanisztika Tanszék
Választható amerikai történelmi szeminárium: Amerikai kulturális narratívák: múlt és jelen
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the ideological, conceptual foundations of the American culture, their development and change over time, which can help explain the cultural  phenomena of today. This aim is reached through the analysis of primary and secondary sources and the review of the most important cultural narratives.
Tantárgy tartalma
General Introduction - Defining basic terms of culture studies: culture, nation, narrative * General overview of American cultural narratives (Plymouth Rock/ Thanksgiving/ Covenant/ The Jeremiad/ The Noble Savage/ The West/ Self-reliance/ Slave Narratives/ Manifest Destiny/ The American Dream/ Rags-to-riches/ The Frontier/ Melting Pot/ Asylum for the World) * Basic American values and beliefs * The myth of the American Dream; The American Dream corrupted * Immigration to the US; an overview of contemporary American society; multiculturalism, melting pot or salad bowl; American stereotypes * The historical development of the American Frontier * Culture of the American Century (A historical overview, African-American emancipation, An introduction to the music scene of the 20th century, Post-modernism in American poetry) * American cultural narratives in presidential speeches * The Political Culture in the USA *
Számonkérés és értékelés
class attendance (Students may not miss more than 3 sessions. More than three absences will result in a “unaccomplished” grade.) and active participation in the discussion of the topics at hand end-term test [grade will be doubled] 2 response papers on any of the compulsory readings or movies given (300-320 words) [one grade for the 2 papers] 2 assignment sheets (a set of tasks on the course materials covered during the sessions throughout the term) [one grade for the 2 assignment sheets] Final grade will be formed on the basis of grades assigned to the above.
O’Callaghan, Bryn. An Illustrated History of the USA. Longman, 2004. Culler, Jonathan. “Narrative” Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press, 2011. Davidson, James West (et al.) Nation of nations: a narrative history of the American republic. New York and St. Louis: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 1990. Pintér, Károly: Introduction to the United States of America. Piliscsaba, 2003. Smith, Anthony D. Myths and Memories of the Nation. Oxford University Press, 1999. (excerpts) Smith, Anthony D. The cultural foundations of nations: hierarchy, covenant, and republic. Blackwell, Malden, Oxford and Carlton, 2008. (excerpts) Szatmary, David P. Rockin’ in time: a social history of Rock-and-Roll. Prentice Hall College Div, 1995. (excerpts) The Cultural Narrative of the Frontier and its Significance in American History - Freeside Europe Online Academic Journal W. S. Merwin: Tergvinder’s Stone The Declaration of Independence Washington Irving: Rip Van Winkle Susan Glaspell: Trifles Martin Luther King Jr.: “I have a dream…” speech John F. Kennedy: “The New Frontier speech” Allen Ginsberg: A Supermarket in California Robert Creely: I Know a Man Langston Hughes: Merry-Go-Round Gloria Anzaldúa: Borderlands/ La Frontera. The New Mestiza Lyn Hejinian: My Life (excerpts) Gwendolyn Brooks: We Real Cool Stephen Crane: Maggie: A Girl of the Streets (excerpts) Paul Laurence Dunbar: We Wear the Mask

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