Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak
- Kar
- Bölcsészettudományi Kar
- Szervezet
- BTK Magyar Irodalom- és Kultúratudományi Intézet
- Kód
- BBI-MIR-834E
- Cím
- Modern magyar irodalom
- Tervezett félév
- Őszi
- 3
- Nyelv
- hu
- Oktatás célja
- Knowledge: - The student is informed about the most important phenomena of modern Hungarian literature and its structure, widely acknowledged characteristics and relevant data, and knowledgeable about the most important texts and authors of the Hungarian language and literary tradition. - The student is familiar with the typical forms and textual types of modern Hungarian literature, the main features of its historical processes and significant periods, and their wider European and cultural context. - The student is familiar with the rules of genres of literary studies, let the genres be written or oral, academic or popular. - The student is familiar with the most common methods of literary interpretation of Hungarian texts and cultural phenomena, as well as their professionally accepted contexts and evaluations. - The student knows at least one foreign language at the level required for his/her specialization. Skills: - The student can interpret the linguistic and literary characteristics of modern Hungarian literature including its traditions and historical background. - The student understands the role of Hungarian literary traditions in discourses of national identity and relates that to the European context relevant to his/her field of expertise. - The student writes and talks about the typical issues of modern Hungarian literature in a variety of style registers, according to the rules of the given genre, in a clear, elaborate style. - The student can interpret a variety of texts of modern Hungarian literature and related cultural phenomena from the point of view of literary studies. - The student can select and apply appropriate literary methods upon considering a variety of possible approach to problems in his/her field. - The student can communicate effectively in at least one foreign language in writing and orally and understands academic discourse. Attitudes: - The student understands and accepts that linguistic and literary phenomena are historically and socially conditioned and variable. - The student understands, accepts and represents the linguistic, religious and social diversity of Hungary and Europe, both historically and contemporaneously. - The student employs academic language and follows academic communicative norms, and authentically conveys his/her profession. - The student is capable of and pursues self-education in his/her selected fields of literary studies. - The student strives to improve his/her professional language skills. Autonomy, responsibility: - The student develops a historically and culturally coherent original approach that contributes to his/her development and self-awareness and profits his social environment. - The student takes responsibility for his/her texts and is aware that those can be subject to professional evaluation in the context of literary studies and may have ethical consequences. - The student applies his knowledge of modern Hungarian literature in his self-education and self-enrichment. - The student consciously represents his or her chosen methods in the field of literature and accepts that other disciplines work on different methodological bases.
- Irodalomjegyzék
- Selected works from modern Hungarian literature Csaba Kiss Gy., Understanding Central Europe. Nations and stereotypes. Essays from the Adriatic to Baltic Sea; transl. Eszter Kató, Nap, Budapest, 2013. Zoltán Németh, Postmodern Literature in Central Europe. The Threefold Strategy, UKF, Nitra, 2015. Discourses of Collective Identity in Central and Southeast Europe (1770–1945). Texts and Commentaries, CEU Press, Budapest, 2006–2014.