Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Bölcsészettudományi Kar
BTK Magyar Irodalom- és Kultúratudományi Intézet
Irodalomelmélet 1
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
Knowledge: - The student is knowledgeable about the most important phenomenons of literary theory, their classification, generally accepted characteristics, facts and authors. - Taking into consideration its European and cultural context, the student understands the main features of the forms of communication, genres, historical processes and main periods of literary theory. - The student is knowledgeable about the written and oral, academic and public and popular genres of literary theory and their structure. - The student is familiar with the typical research questions of literary theory, its methods of analysis and interpretation and the basic terminology of some fields of research. - The student is familiar with some important features of the structuralist and the post-structuralist literary approaches. - The student speaks at least one foreign language at a level necessary for their field of research. Skills: - The student is able to write and talk about issues characteristic of literary theory in multiple registers, according to the rules of a given genre, in a clear, varied style. - After deliberating the multifaceted methodological possibilites to approach literary issues of the era, the student is able to choose the appropriate methodology of literary theory. - The student can communicate effectively in one foreign language in speech and writing, and should also understand professional texts on literary theory. Attitudes: - The student understands and accepts that linguistic and literary phenomena are defined by history and society and vary. - Consciously represents the studied terminological and communicative norms, conveys the ideologies of their profession authentically. - The student is capable of self-development in their chosen fields in linguistics or literary studies. - The student is willing to improve their professional language skills. Autonomy, responsibility: - The student takes responsibility for their texts, and is aware of any possible professional evaluations or ethical consequences based on their linguistic and literary theoretical context. - The student consciously represents the methods of linguistics and literary theory and accepts the differences between these methods and those of other disciplines. - The student takes responsibility for the professional development of individuals and groups

Kurzus szakjai

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magyar (BTK-I-BMAGY-NBEN) en 6 Kötelező 2/3
Részképzés (BTK-RÉSZKÉP-NXHU) hu Kötelező
Részképzés (BTK-I-RÉSZKÉP-NXEN) en Kötelező