Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak
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- Bölcsészettudományi Kar
- Szervezet
- BTK Orosz Nyelvi és Irodalmi Tanszék
- Kód
- Cím
- Bevezetés a szemiotikába (Szemiotikatörténeti és -elméleti alapozó) I.
- Tervezett félév
- Őszi
- 5
- Nyelv
- en
- Oktatás célja
- Course description/Thematics: “Introduction to semiotics I” represents one of the two basic introductory semiotic courses having the purpose to outline the history and theory of semiotics. Lectures start with profiling semiotics as an MA program, semiotics as a special study. Its interdisciplinary character, its connection with various BA programs. Reflections upon the problem “How to think in a semiotic way?” – general remarks on semiotic terminology; the institutions, congresses, publications of semiotics; semiotics as university program around the world; special principles of teaching semiotics.
- Tantárgy tartalma
- Course description/Thematics: “Introduction to semiotics I” represents one of the two basic introductory semiotic courses having the purpose to outline the history and theory of semiotics. Lectures start with profiling semiotics as an MA program, semiotics as a special study. Its interdisciplinary character, its connection with various BA programs. Reflections upon the problem “How to think in a semiotic way?” – general remarks on semiotic terminology; the institutions, congresses, publications of semiotics; semiotics as university program around the world; special principles of teaching semiotics. Lecture topics: Why and how to teach semiotics at the university level? The name and scope of semiotics (sign system studies). Brief history of Hungarian and world semiotics. The sign and its definition. Sign and signs, sign system and sign systems. Classifications of signs. The nature of signs. Sign and meaning (semantics). Semiotic theories of texts. From structural semantics to semiotics. Primary and secondary semiotic (modelling) systems. Constructing signs and texts of signs. Social semiotics and semiotics of culture. Particular problems of semiotics of culture. Readings: Daniel Chandler: Semiotics – the basics. Second edition. London and New York, Routledge, 2009. John Deely: Basics of Semiotics. Tartu Semiotics Library 4.2. Tartu, Tartu UP, 2009. Winfried Nöth: Handbook of Semiotics. Bloomington and Indianapolis, Bloomington UP, 1995. Roland Barthes: Elements of Semiology. New York, HILL and WANG., 1986. Umberto Eco: The Theory of Signs and the Role of the Reader. The Bulletin of the Midwest Modern Language Association. Vol 14., No. 1, Spring 1981, 35–45. Yu. M. Lotman, B. A. Uspensky. On the Semiotic Mechanism of Culture. New Literary History. Vol. 9. No. 2. Soviet Semiotics and Criticism: An Anthology. (Winter, 1978). 211-232.
- Számonkérés és értékelés
- Five-level written or oral exam.
- Irodalomjegyzék
- Readings: Daniel Chandler: Semiotics – the basics. Second edition. London and New York, Routledge, 2009. John Deely: Basics of Semiotics. Tartu Semiotics Library 4.2. Tartu, Tartu UP, 2009. Winfried Nöth: Handbook of Semiotics. Bloomington and Indianapolis, Bloomington UP, 1995. Roland Barthes: Elements of Semiology. New York, HILL and WANG., 1986. Umberto Eco: The Theory of Signs and the Role of the Reader. The Bulletin of the Midwest Modern Language Association. Vol 14., No. 1, Spring 1981, 35–45. Yu. M. Lotman, B. A. Uspensky. On the Semiotic Mechanism of Culture. New Literary History. Vol. 9. No. 2. Soviet Semiotics and Criticism: An Anthology. (Winter, 1978). 211-232.
Kurzus szakjai
Név (kód) | Nyelv | Szint | Kötelező | Tanév | ... |
szemiotika (BTK-I-MSZEMI-NMEN) | en | 7 | Kötelező | 1/2 | |
szemiotika (BTK-MSZEMI-NMEN) | en | 7 | Kötelező | 1/2 |