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BTK Orosz Nyelvi és Irodalmi Tanszék
Bevezetés a szemiotikába előadás I. (Szemiotikatörténeti és -elméleti alapozó)
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Oktatás célja
“Introduction to semiotics II” as the second basic introductory, founding MA course is built upon “Introduction to semiotics I”. The purpose here is to enlarge and deepen students’ knowledge of the history and theory of semiotics. Preference is given to the definition of basic concepts and the explanation of the use of semiotic terminology in the context of semiotic subdisciplines. The focus of attention is cultural semiotics and current theories seen from a historical perspective, beginning with Russian Formalism. The disciplinary identity of literary semiotics is also put in center stage. Semiotics is also conceived in its relation to system studies and is examined in terms of practical methodological tools.
Tantárgy tartalma
“Introduction to semiotics II” as the second basic introductory, founding MA course is built upon “Introduction to semiotics I”. The purpose here is to enlarge and deepen students’ knowledge of the history and theory of semiotics. Preference is given to the definition of basic concepts and the explanation of the use of semiotic terminology in the context of semiotic subdisciplines. The focus of attention is cultural semiotics and current theories seen from a historical perspective, beginning with Russian Formalism. The disciplinary identity of literary semiotics is also put in center stage. Semiotics is also conceived in its relation to system studies and is examined in terms of practical methodological tools.
Számonkérés és értékelés
Ötfokozatú írásbeli vagy szóbeli vizsga.
Kötelező olvasmányok (tematikus blokkokkal): Chandler, Daniel. Semiotics the Basics. London and New York. Routledge. 2007. From p. 123. Classic Readings in Semiotics. For Introductory Courses. Edited by Paul Perron and Marcel Danesi. New York, Ottawa, Toronto, Legas Publishing, 2003. (Sections: Roman Jakobson; Émile Benveniste; Louis Hjemslev; Claude Lévi-Strauss; Roland Barthes; Thomas A. Sebeok – Readings and commentaries.) Chapters from the History of Semiotics Mukařovský, Jan. On Structuralism. In: Mukařovský, J. Structure, Sign and Function. Selected essays by Jan Mukařovský. New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1978. 3–16. Johansen, Jorgen Dines. Structuralism and/or the Semiotic-Pragmatic Approach to Literature. In: Redifining Literary Semiotics. Edited by Harri Veivo, Christina Ljungberg and Jorgen Dines Johansen, Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009, 12–32. Cultural Semiotics Tynjanov, Jurij. On Literary Evolution. Jakobson, Roman – Tynjanov, Jurij. Problems in the Study of Language and Literature. Poetics Today, Vol. 2:la(1980), 29–31. Torop, Peeter. Cultural Semiotics In: The Routledge Handbook of Language and Culture. Ed. by Farzad Sharifian. London and New York, 2015. 170–180. Lotman, Jurij M.; Ivanov, Vyacheslav V; Pjatigorskij, Aleksandr M.; Toporov, Vladimirj N.; Uspenskij, Boris A. Theses on the semiotic study of cultures (as applied to slavic texts). Tartu Semiotics Library. Tartu, 2013, 53–77. What is Literature? Author – Reader – Interpretation  (Umberto Eco and Jonathan Culler) Eco, Umberto. On Some Functions of Literature. In: Eco, U. On Literature, e.g. London, Vintage Books, 2006, 1–15. Eco, Umberto. Intertextual Irony and Levels of Reading. In. Eco, U. On Literature… 212–235. Eco, Umberto. An Author and his Interpreters. In: Reading Eco: An Anthology Advances in Semiotics. Ed. by Capozzi, Rocco. 1977, Bloomington and Indianapolis, Indiana University Press, 59–70. Eco, Umberto. The Poetics of the Open Work. In: Eco, U. The Role of the Reader. Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1984, 46–66. Culler, Jonathan. In Pursuits of Signs. In: The Pursuit of Signs. Semiotics, Literature, Deconstruction. Routledge & Kegan Paul. London and Henley, 1981, 18–43. Culler, Jonathan. Semiotics as a Theory of Reading. In: The Pursuit of Signs…, 47–80.

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