Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Bölcsészettudományi Kar
BTK Atelier Interdiszciplináris Történeti Tanszék
Kultúra, kultúrafogalmak, kulturális fordulat
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
The purpose of the course is an overview of the history of the concept of “culture”, with special attention to shifts in this conceptual history, i.e., the shift that was provoked by anthropologists. The course will awake the students to the consciousness of connections among culture, language, and heritage. Being aware of the diversity and meanings of concepts of culture, the students will be able to interpret cultural heritage in a critical manner. Our aim is to present the applicability of the very concept in social sciences, particularly in the field of heritage. The course serves the formation of the students’ conceptual toolkit and provides a solid base for their further studies.
Tantárgy tartalma
The concept of culture is one of the most analysed and discussed notions of social sciences. Since the second half of the 19th century, several scientific disciplines attempted to annex the very concept together with the concomitant phenomena (inter alia philosophy, history, sociology, anthropology). In the 1960s, the so-called “cultural turn” caused perhaps the sharpest caesura in the course of the history of this concept. The turn was followed by the revelation of new scopes for analysis as well as by foundation and institutionalization of “cultural studies”, a novel approach characterized by interdisciplinarity and critical attitude. In parallel with the “cultural turn”, another crucial shift occurred: the “linguistic turn” what brought the active character of language to the attention of the humanities and social sciences. This second turn affected the self-understanding of history, philology, and literary studies, additionally, it advanced the analysis of cultural heritage as social construction. During the course, we will rely on theoretical approaches as well as test these theories in the framework of case studies.
Számonkérés és értékelés
Practice grade. The basic frame for evaluating student performance of the course determined by the university's code of conduct. According to this document, the instructor can determine the means of evaluation of the course depending on the nature of the field of knowledge and skills presented at the course. A practice grade usually takes the form of an evaluation based on written and/or presented works related to the student's work at a seminar individually or as a member of a student team.
Geertz, Clifford: The Interpretation of Cultures: Selected Essays. New York, Basic Books, 1973, 470 p. [ISBN 978-0-4650-3425-3] Williams, Raymond: Keywords. A Vocabulary of Culture and Society. London, Fontana, 1981, 286 p. [ISBN 0-00-633479-2] Price, Nicholas Stanley – Talley Jr., M. Kirby – Vaccaro, Alessandra Melucco (eds.): Historical and Philosophical Issues in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage. Los Angeles, The Getty Conservation Institute, 1996, 500 p. [ISBN 978-0-89236-250-9] Bauman, Zygmunt: Culture as Praxis. London, Routledge, 1973, 198 p. [ISBN 071-007-6061] Kymlicka, Will: Multicultural Odysseys. Navigating the New International Politics of Diversity. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2007, 384 p. [ISBN 978-0-1995-6255-8]
Ajánlott irodalom
Geertz, Clifford: The Interpretation of Cultures: Selected Essays. New York, Basic Books, 1973, 470 p. [ISBN 978-0-4650-3425-3] Williams, Raymond: Keywords. A Vocabulary of Culture and Society. London, Fontana, 1981, 286 p. [ISBN 0-00-633479-2] Price, Nicholas Stanley – Talley Jr., M. Kirby – Vaccaro, Alessandra Melucco (eds.): Historical and Philosophical Issues in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage. Los Angeles, The Getty Conservation Institute, 1996, 500 p. [ISBN 978-0-89236-250-9] Bauman, Zygmunt: Culture as Praxis. London, Routledge, 1973, 198 p. [ISBN 071-007-6061] Kymlicka, Will: Multicultural Odysseys. Navigating the New International Politics of Diversity. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2007, 384 p. [ISBN 978-0-1995-6255-8]

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