Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Bölcsészettudományi Kar
BTK Atelier Interdiszciplináris Történeti Tanszék
A kulturális örökség nemzetközi intézményrendszere 2.
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
Following the logic of the ‘cultural heritage regimes’ model, the aim of this course is to evaluate the process, which was studied in the previous course, i.e. the concept and practice of cultural heritage from the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries to the 1990s. The concept of cultural heritage has expanded spectacularly in recent decades, accompanied by the emergence and international codification of important new concepts (cultural landscape, intellectual heritage, cultural diversity, cultural rights, historical urban landscape, visual integrity, etc.). From the methodological perspective, the purpose of the course is to acquaint students with the most important documents of the international regulation of cultural heritage, the socio-institutional-cultural context of their origin as well as the legal regulation of cultural transmission from the 1990s to the present. Students will also learn how to interpret the social and academic reception of these new notions and practices with the critical methodology of the social sciences and humanities.
Tantárgy tartalma
The course deals with the major topics of the third regime of cultural heritage (1990s to the present), which were simultaneously established as the results of criticism during the previous regimes and as the organic evaluation of the former notions of heritage. The overarching themes are: cultural landscape (a reinterpreted relationship between cultural and natural heritage); the problem of the heritage community and the related intangible heritage and cultural rights; the questions of cultural tourism and the heritage business; and the increasing role of heritage in sustainable development. In addition to the interpretation of the discourse created by UNESCO and its affiliated professional institutes, a critical presentation of the interpretations of cultural heritage in the European Union, which became predominant during the recent decades of the third regime, will be also analysed.
Számonkérés és értékelés
University exam. The basic frame for evaluating student performance of the course determined by the university's code of conduct. According to this document, the instructor can determine the means of evaluation of the course depending on the nature of the field of knowledge and skills presented at the course. A university exam usually takes the form of an evaluation based on written and/or oral exams related to the student's work at a seminar individually or as a member of a student team.
Marie-Theres Albert – Roland Bernecker – Britta Rudolff (eds.): Understanding Heritage. Perspectives in Heritage Studies, Berlin – Boston, Walter de Gruyter, 210 p., ISBN 978-3-11030830-3 Moritz Csáky, Monika Sommer-Sieghart (Hrsg.): Kulturerbe als soziokulturelle Praxis, Innsbruck – Wien – Bozen, Studien Verlag, 2005, 188 p., ISBN 978-3-7065-4125-1 Jacek Purchla (ed.): Protecting and Safeguarding Cultural Heritage. Systems of Management of Cultural Heritage in the Visegrad Countries, Cracow, International Cultural Centre, 2011, 264 p., ISBN 978-83-89273-87-1 Peter Howard: Heritage. Management, Interpretation, Identity, London, Continuum, 2003, 292 p., ISBN 0-8264-5897-1 Laurajane Smith: Uses of Heritage, London – New York, Routledge, 2006, 386 p., ISBN-13: 978-0415318310

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