Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Bölcsészettudományi Kar
BTK Atelier Interdiszciplináris Történeti Tanszék
Szocialista örökség
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
It seems evident that the collective memory of today’s Hungarian society is greatly influenced by conscious and unconscious attitudes toward the state-socialist era. Therefore, the analysis of socialist cultural practices is highly important, not only as a historical contrast but rather as a specific type of heritage to be discovered. During this course, students may establish a reflective relationship to the 20th century and practice a critical attitude regarding the transmission of heritage also in relation to the analysis of socialist culture and heritage.
Tantárgy tartalma
The course provides an overview of the ideological factors and public cultural and educational functions that shaped the definition of socialist culture. Moreover, the seminars aim to provide an extensive overview of those cultural fields (museums, public spaces, films, popular music etc) where the impact of socialist heritage is still prevailing. With specific case studies, the course discusses the questions of youth policy and subcultures / countercultures during the state-socialist era, as well as the policies toward minorities and the emerging roma civil rights and cultural movement.
Számonkérés és értékelés
Practice grade. The basic frame for evaluating student performance of the course determined by the university's code of conduct. According to this document, the instructor can determine the means of evaluation of the course depending on the nature of the field of knowledge and skills presented at the course. A practice grade usually takes the form of an evaluation based on written and/or presented works related to the student's work at a seminar individually or as a member of a student team.
Balázs Apor, Péter Apor, Sándor Horváth, Tamás Scheibner: Cultural Opposition: Concepts and Approaches in Balázs Apor, Péter Apor and Sándor Horváth (eds.): The Handbook of COURAGE. Cultural Opposition and its heritage in Eastern-Europe, Research Centre for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2018, ISBN 9789634161424 Melinda Kalmár: An attempt at optimization: The reform model in culture, 1965–1973, in János M. Rainer and György Péteri (eds.): Muddling Through in the Long 1960s: Ideas and Everyday Life in High Politics and the Lower Classes of Communist Hungary, The Institute for the History of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, Budapest, 2005. Balogh, Balázs and Fülemile, Ágnes: Cultural alternatives, youth and grassroots resistance in socialist Hungary — The folk dance and music revival, 2008, Hungarian Studies, 22 (1-2). pp. 43-62. ISSN 0236-6568 Sándor Horváth: Patchwork identities and folk devils: youth subcultures and gangs in socialist Hungary, 2009, Social History, 34:2, 163-183, DOI: 10.1080/03071020902879598

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