Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Bölcsészettudományi Kar
BTK Filozófia Intézet
Tervezett félév
Tantárgy tartalma
“Epistemology” is a fancy word for the theory of knowledge. This is the branch of philosophy that studies the nature of knowledge. Epistemology falls into roughly three areas. One is the *definition* of knowledge: what are the conditions for someone to know that P? (Where P is any statement you like, such as “2+2=4”.) It turns out that constructing such a definition is extremely difficult. (Does it follow that we don’t know what knowledge is?) Second, there are some classic puzzles concerning knowledge, the most famous of which is the ‘evil demon’ scenario described by Descartes: How do we know that our world is not an illusion created by an evil demon, so that almost all of our beliefs false? Third, epistemology studies different kinds or branches of knowledge, for example scientific knowledge, knowledge of God etc. The seminar provides an introduction to each of these areas, acquainting students with the core concepts and problems of contemporary epistemology. Topics 1 Introduction 2 Gettier cases 3 Foundationalism 4 Coherentism 5 Relativism 6 Reliabilism and virtue epistemology 7 Test 1 8 Internalism and externalism 9 Scepticism 10 Testimony 11 A priori knowledge 12 Religious knowledge 13 Test 2
Számonkérés és értékelés
Assessment will be based on two in-class tests (21 Oct and 9 Dec, respectively). Each test will consist of (a) 10 multiple-choice questions about the texts we’ll be reading (50 points) and (b) an essay question (70 points). There will be 5 or 6 possible essay topics for each test. These will be announced before the test. The grade depends on the average of the two tests: 60–69 points D (2), 70–79 points C (3), 80–89 points B (4), 90–99 points A (5), 100–109 points A+, 110–120 points A++.

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