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BTK Művészetelméleti és Médiakutatási Intézet
Vállalkozói ismeretek
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
Tantárgyi adatlap 2023/2024 tavaszi félév A kurzus címe magyarul: Vállalkozói élet A kurzus oktatója: Tóth Barnabás Kornél Az oktató szakmai életrajzának, szakmai eredményeinek online elérhetősége: https://www.linkedin.com/in/t%C3%B3th-barnab%C3%A1s-korn%C3%A9l-2b8756a8/ A kurzus címe angolul: Entrepreneurship Course Overview: (Course Title: Practical Entrepreneurship Essentials) Embark on a transformative journey into the dynamic world of entrepreneurship with our comprehensive course designed to empower aspiring business leaders. "Entrepreneurship" is a cutting-edge program meticulously crafted to equip you with the knowledge, skills, and mindset necessary not only to navigate the challenges of starting and growing a successful business but also to foster innovation and adaptability in today's rapidly evolving business landscape. Join us and discover the tools to turn your entrepreneurial aspirations into impactful ventures, as we guide you through practical applications, real-world case studies, and collaborative projects that enhance your entrepreneurial prowess.
Tantárgy tartalma
Key Learning Objectives: 1. Idea Generation and Validation in the Real World -Techniques for identifying viable business ideas. -Practical methods for validating ideas in the market. 2. Startup Strategies: Building a Solid Foundation -Exploring diverse approaches to launching and structuring startups. -Creating a strategic roadmap for your venture. 3. Customer Development: Understanding Your Audience -Strategies for understanding and connecting with your target audience. -Conducting effective customer interviews and feedback loops. 4. Bootstrapping and Efficient Resource Management -Practical tips for bootstrapping your startup. -Efficient resource allocation and cost-cutting strategies. 5. Digital Presence: Marketing on a Budget -Building an online presence without breaking the bank. -Social media strategies for startups. 6. Sales and Negotiation Skills for Entrepreneurs -Practical sales techniques for entrepreneurs. -Negotiation strategies for partnerships and collaborations. 7. Efficient Time Management and Productivity -Time management techniques for entrepreneurs. -Maximizing productivity without burnout. 8. Networking and Relationship Building -Building a strong professional network. -Leveraging relationships for business growth. 9. Adaptability and Resilience in Entrepreneurship -Developing a resilient mindset for navigating challenges. -Strategies for adapting to change in the business environment. 10. Funding Strategies for Entrepreneurs: Navigating Investment Landscape - Explore diverse funding options available for startups, including angel investors, venture capital, crowdfunding, and government grants. 11. Scaling Your Business: Strategies for Growth -Identifying opportunities for business expansion. -Scaling strategies for sustainable growth. 12. Pitch Perfect: Selling Your Idea Effectively -Crafting a compelling elevator pitch. -Presenting your business idea with confidence . 13. Summarizing Occasion 1: Mid-Course Review and Application Review and application of key concepts covered in the first half of the course. Interactive discussion and Q&A session. 14. Summarizing Occasion 2: Course Reflection and Action Planning Reflection on the entire course journey. Development of a personalized action plan for immediate implementation.
Számonkérés és értékelés
Course Format: This engaging course combines practical workshops, real-world case studies, and interactive discussions to provide a hands-on learning experience. Join us for a journey that demystifies entrepreneurship and empowers you to take actionable steps towards building a successful venture. Félévközi feladatok és számonkérés: Órai aktivitás, projektmunka Félév végi számonkérés: Projektmunka Az értékelés módszere, a félévközi és a félév végi számokérés eredményeinek beszámítása:
Ajánlott irodalom
Ajánlott irodalom: 1. "The $100 Startup" by Chris Guillebeau 2. "The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries 3. "Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose" by Tony Hsieh 4. "Contagious: How to Build Word of Mouth in the Digital Age" by Jonah Berger

Kurzus szakjai

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