Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Társadalomtudományi Kar
TÁTK Kulturális Antropológia Tanszék
Cultural Anthropology
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
Course Description This course explores the foundations and evolution of cultural anthropology, examining its historical context, key concepts, and contemporary relevance. Students will gain insight into human behavior, identity, cultural relativism, and critical social theory through the lens of anthropology.
Tantárgy tartalma
Weekly Breakdown: Week 1: Course Overview and Introduction to Cultural Anthropology • Syllabus review • Introduction to cultural anthropology Module A: Biological Basics of Human Behavior Week 2: Evolution and Behavior • Introduction to human evolution and its impact on behavior • Sexual, kin, and individual selection: How evolution shapes human behavior Week 3: Aggression and Violence • Understanding the origins and manifestations of aggression • Cultural factors influencing violence in human societies Week 4: War • Examining war as a biological and cultural phenomenon • Models, causes, and consequences of war Module B: Emergence of Social Sciences Week 5: History of Racial Thinking • Historical context of racial thinking and its persistence • The impact of racial thinking on society and anthropology Week 6: Anthropology and Enlightenment • Anthropology's origins in the Enlightenment era • The role of anthropology in colonialism and the invention of the West Week 7: Nazi Anthropology • Nazi Anthropology: Science in the Service of the Third Reich • Ethical implications and consequences of Nazi anthropology Module C: Cultural Anthropology Today Week 8: Identity and Cultural Relativism • Exploring the concept of cultural relativism • The role of identity and gender in contemporary anthropology Week 9: Anthropology of Genocide • Contemporary cases of genocide: An anthropological perspective • Ethical considerations in studying and preventing genocide Week 10: Political Anthropology and Critical Social Theory • Introduction to political anthropology and its relevance • Applying critical social theory in anthropological research
Számonkérés és értékelés
Course Requirements Attendance: I encourage you to attend regularly. Assignments: • Assignment 1: October 26 (30% of final grade) • Assignment 2: December 14 (50% of final grade) Grading Criteria: • 1: 0-45% • 2: 46-56% • 3: 57-67% • 4: 68-78% • 5: 79-100% Grade Calculation: • Assignment 1: 30% of final grade • Assignment 2: 50% of final grade • Attendance and Participation: 20% of final grade • Final Exam (Optional): Can replace the previous grade calculation

Kurzus szakjai

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