Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Gazdaságtudományi Kar
GTK Menedzsment és Üzleti Jog Tanszék
Üzleti és emberi jogok
Tervezett félév
2024/25/1, 2024/25/2
Oktatás célja
András L. Pap BUSINESS AND HUMAN RIGTHS COURSE DESCRIPTION 2024 Spring/Fall Semester ELTE Institute of Business Economics This course is designed for non-law students of various nationality or background. The aim is to show how international human rights standards and ethical business practices are incorporated into the design, implementation and evaluation of multi-national business activities, especially in developing countries. It will demonstrate how active cooperation among governments, local organizations, international NGOs and the international corporations are incentivized in order to maximize political and economic development benefits. Students will examine the role of the United Nations and its human rights processes and other components of international codes of conduct. The course focuses on international documents, cases, explanations, argumentations and interpretations useful for a manager in the business decisions. Students are welcome to discuss issues in class. Prerequisites This is a 100-level introductory course with no prerequisites at all. Topics The concept of human rights The workings of international law (Soft law, hard law) Workers’ rights: under the ILO, the European Social Charter, within the EU and the UN. Developmental policy: Sustainable Development Goals International and domestic human rights remedies and procedures Drittwirkung: human right protection by businesses in the global south: corporate due diligence, UN standards of conduct, energy justice, supply chain legislation, corporate legal accountability. Human rights due diligence, political risk analysis, human rights impact assessments. Corporations as instruments for human rights and democracy. Collaboration between companies and government security forces. Operating in war zones. Policing subcontractors' compliance with labor rights. Socially responsible investing. The concept of discrimination and the various concepts of equality (Neoliberalism and equality.) Forced labor (in the garment and hotel industry, forestry, global manufacturing, construction, extraction and agriculture) Environmental issues. Indigenous rights
Tantárgy tartalma
Learning outcomes On successful completion of this course, students will gain a substantive and theoretical knowledge of international law and international human rights, human rights instruments monitoring methods and systems. a multidisciplinary understanding of the social, political and economic context of, and potential remedial actions for human rights violations in the context of international business. a knowledge of the role that human rights plays in current debates and processes associated with political and economic development and the promotion of civil society, including the work of local and international NGOs, and the activities of major human rights and humanitarian organizations such Amnesty International, Human Rights First, or the International Committee of the Red Cross. an understanding of the role and function of multinational corporations in the globalization process as well as in domestic economies and politics, as well as some of the factors and processes of corporate strategic thinking and planning in association with human rights and social responsibility. Further education purpose On successful completion of this course, students should be able to connect topics taught to all the SDGs.
Számonkérés és értékelés
Assessment The general examination and assessment requirements of the courses offered by the Faculty of Economics are available at: https://gtk.elte.hu/en/erasmus/general Grading: Grades offered during the semester: 60-69% satisfactory 70-84% good, 85-100% excellent Examination grade: 50-54% pass, 55-69%, satisfactory,  70-84% good, 85-100% excellent Points received during the term are not added to the exam points. The current assessment and evaluation requirements of the ELTE GTK apply, which can be found on the GTK TH website under the student's level of training.
Reading materials are suggested but not limited to: Teaching BHR Handbook slides of the classes (moodle)

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