Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar
ÁJTK Nemzetközi Magánjogi és Európai Gazdasági Jogi Tanszék
EU State Aid Law
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
Lecturer: Dr. Róbert Zsolt SZALAY Contact email address: szalay.robertzsolt@mfb.hu Brief description The goal is to provide the Students with a comprehensive and highly practical picture of state aid law, which is a special field of the European Union’s competition law regime. Within the framework of the course, first, we shall delineate the field of state aid law, we shall define state aid and its connections with M&A, antitrust and measures distorting the internal market, then we shall identify all the possible ways a state aid may be materialized, through case law. I find it vital to talk about the practical need and raison d’etre of state aid law. During the course I aim at discussing procedural issues, as well. We will make a distinction between compatible, incompatible, unlawful state aid and ’no state aid’. As a practicing lawyer, I intend to fill this course with the practice itself, focusing on case law and practical issues, after a short theoretical foundation. I intend to introduce several loopholes of the state aid regime. No prior knowledge is expected. The course shall be successfully completed based on the slides that I disclose and talk about, nonetheless, in addition, I may share and attach some decisions, judgements or chapters to facilitate the learning process.
Tantárgy tartalma
Schedule 1. The definition and forms of state aid, state aid and competition law, the elements of state aid and the purpose of state aid law, state aid database 2. Proving that a measure does not contain state aid: MEOP/MEIP test, benchmarking, pari passu transactions 3. The importance of pricing, scoring and coverage analysis 4. State aid and investments 5. State aid and loans 6. State aid and guarantee facilities and bonds 7. State aid and taxation 8. Other forms of state aid 9. Compatible state aid under TFEU and other regulations, legal bases: GBER, De minimis, Temporary Framework, Temporary Crisis Framework (Covid relief), Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework 10. State Aid Procedural Law: notification, investigation, final decision, recovery of aid, judicial review, infringement procedure 11. State aid loopholes in practice and solving mock cases together as a summarization 12. Exam (solving a mock case)
Számonkérés és értékelés
Assessment/Exam Solving a case in the last lesson based on the slides and the lectures. The exam shall be totally open book, therefore, students may use the slides, any books, notes, or the internet, including state aid databases. The exam shall encompass only 1 mock case with some leading questions, and the students shall be entitled to avail themselves of the whole duration of the lesson (90 minutes) to solve it. The case will not necessary have only one possible solution and outcome, therefore, I shall assess the reasoning of each solution individually, as law is usually never exact, especially not competition law.
Materials/Recommended readings If needed, I shall attach all readings on Moodle interface to facilitate the delving into the topic, although, these reading materials shall never form part of the exam.

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