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ÁJTK Büntetőjogi Tanszék
European Criminal Law
Tervezett félév
Tantárgy tartalma
European Criminal Law 2023/2024 spring semester Lecturers: Prof. Dr. GELLÉR Balázs József, PhD (Cantab.), LLD Dr. NÉMETH Imre, PhD Adjunct Professor Dr. SZABÓ Judit, PhD Adjunct Professor Monday, 12:00-13:30 Place: A building, lecture theatre II The European Criminal Law class provides an overview on the establishment, functioning of European criminal law in the widest sense. It deals with both substantive and procedural rules of ECL and we will have a look at the institutional system as well. The final exam will take place on the 13th May. 19 February International Criminal Law and European Criminal Law. Development and Basic Principles of ECL Dr. Németh 26 February Protection of Fundamental Rights in Europe, Cooperation in criminal matters, the mutual trust and mutual recognition principles Prof. Gellér 4 March Euro crimes: Money laundering Dr. Szabó 11 March Cyber-crimes in the EU Dr. Németh 18 March European Arrest Warrant I Prof. Gellér 25 March European Arrest Warrant II Prof. Gellér 8 April European Investigation Order, Ne bis in idem principle I Prof. Gellér 15 April Ne bis in idem principle II Prof. Gellér 22 April European Criminal Procedure. Dr. Németh 29 April The European Public Prosecutor's Office, Eurojust Dr. Szabó 6 May OLAF, Europol, Group project: OLAF external investigation Dr. Németh 13 May Exam Dr. Németh Requirements: Regular participation (non-attendance of more than 4 times excludes participation at the exam) Active participation during the group projects Preparation of homework Exam requirements: The final exam will take place in a written form consisting of 4 essay questions. The exam questions are based on the PPT slides, handouts and on the topics discussed in class. The exam is open book.

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