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Civil Liberties in the United States
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Civil Liberties in the United States Tantárgy neve Civil Liberties in the United States Neptun kódja: Képzés- tagozat: osztatlan jogász– nappali tagozat Tantárgy kreditszáma: Tantárgyfelelős: dr. Király Miklós, tanszékvezető egyetemi tanár Számonkérési forma: beszámoló Előadások tematikája: Blokkszeminárium This course introduces students to the work of the United States Supreme Court and to the main outlines of American constitutional law, with an emphasis on development of American ideas about civil rights. The principal topics are civil liberties in wartime, race relations, privacy rights, freedom of expression, and criminal procedure and the balancing of personal freedoms and public interest. Előadó: Prof. Dennis CAMPBELL , Director of Center for International Legal Studies (CILS)
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Tantárgy tartalma
CIVIL LIBERTIES IN THE UNITED STATES Prof. Dennis CAMPBEL – guest lecturer Director of Center for International Legal Studies (CILS) Message from prof. Campbell for the class: “Civil Liberties in the United States will be taught online in the fall semester of 2022 at ELTE. The good news for students is that the teaching will be “asynchronous” and not “synchronous”. This means that you can “attend” the classes when it is convenient for you and access my lectures, videos, and PowerPoint slides when you have time. You learn at your own pace so long as you complete all the classes (there will be 10 in this course) by the time the course concludes. In case you get lonely, there will be opportunities to connect by Zoom, email and smoke signal. “ Course description This course introduces students to the work of the United States Supreme Court and to the main outlines of American constitutional law, with an emphasis on development of American ideas about civil rights. The course outlines the major civil rights protections in the United States and how they are applied. The principal topics are civil liberties in wartime, race relations, privacy rights, freedom of expression, freedom of religion, the right to a fair trial, the right to own a gun, the death penalty, the balancing of personal freedoms and public interest and the application of those rights in current American society. Materials All course materials are provided online as PDFs Assessment Assessment is by take home examination consisting of multiple choice and short essay questions.
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