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- Szervezet
- ÁJTK Politikatudományi Intézet
- Kód
- Cím
- World Politics
- Tervezett félév
- Mindkét
- 5
- Nyelv
- en
- Leírás
- Course Description Reading newspapers and watching or listening to the national news makes us aware of international events far away from our everyday lives. However, these events may seem to be distant and unrelated to our own lives can become personally salient to all of us as a consequence of their economic, social, security or military effects. Steep fluctuations in the value of the Japanese yen influence the price of your new computer or car; conflicts in the Middle East affect the price of oil; we meet immigrants in our country; from time to time shocking terrorist attack occurs in the big cities of the world, and as a result of this security measures make things warm for us. The objective of this course is to provide an up-to-date, integrated and forward-looking introduction to international politics. How should we approach the study of world affairs? How the world is best understood? World affairs have traditionally been understood on the basis of an international paradigm. In this view, which is called International Relations, states are taken to be the essential building blocks of world politics. However, since the 1980s, an alternative globalization paradigm has become fashionable. This reflects the belief that world affairs have been transformed in recent decades by the growth of global interconnections and interdependences. Non-state actors, such as international organizations, multinational corporations, environmental organizations, and terrorist groups, are all part of what could more correctly be termed as World or Global Politics. The aim of the course is to present and explain relevant approaches and issues of international politics. We are going to regard what the main presumptions of the traditional and the new theories are, and how to apply them to certain cases including international conflicts and global issues. Outline I. Historical Context of International Politics Stage Points and Historical Periods in International Politics: the ancient times, The christian commonwealth of medieval Europe, the Westphalian System, the balance of power, the (de)colonization of the world, the cold war period, and the borning world order in the post-cold war period II. Introducing International Politics as Academic Subject The ”Great Debates” in International Politics About the assume of the main approaches Seminar 1. Case Studies: Basic Concepts III. Liberals and Realists The tradition and strands of Liberalism The tradition and strands of Realism Neo-Neo Debate: about the mainstream of International Politics Seminar 2. Case Studies: International Security IV. Beyond the ”Mainstream”: Critical Views The English School Neo-Marxism Constructivism Feminism The Green Perspective Seminar 3. Case Studies: Global Issues ------------------------------------------------------------------ For more information, check out the homepage of the course: http://malikdolgozat.uw.hu/wp.html
- Oktatás célja
- WORLD POLITICS Lecturer: Dr. József Zoltán Málik - Institute of Political Science (ELTE) Office hours: Monday 09:00 – 09:30 am, Room 329, Building A. E-mail: malik.dolgozat@mail.com The objective of this course is to provide an up-to-date, integrated and forward-looking introduction to world politics. How should we approach the study of world affairs? How the world politics is best understood? World affairs have traditionally been understood on the basis of an international paradigm. In this view, which is called International Relations, states are taken to be the essential building blocks of world politics. However, since the 1980s, an alternative globalization trend has become fashionable. This reflects the belief that world affairs have been transformed in recent decades by the growth of global interconnections and interdependences. The aim of the course is to present and explain relevant approaches and issues of international politics. We are going to regard what the main presumptions of the traditional and the new theories are, and how to apply them to certain cases including international conflicts and global issues. Course outline: Block 1: World Politics as Academic Subject 1. International Politics as a Discipline of Political Science 2. The ”Great Debates” and the Levels of Analysis in International Politics 3. Westphalian World Order: History and Facts 4. World Stability 5. Ideas about Human Nature and the Interpretation of World Politics 6. International Society and Human Rights from IP perspectives Block 2: Different Schools, Different Focus 7. The Mainstream: Traditions and Strands of Liberals and Realists 8. International Security: Topics and Discussions 9. “Beyond the Mainstream”: Traditions and Strands of the Critical Views Educational Resources: Lecture Notes, Readings, Videos, and Articles can be found on the homepage of the course at http://malikdolgozat.uw.hu/wp.html Assessment: ü Regular attendance (students are allowed to skip two classes in the semester). ü Two written examinations /between 3,000 and 5,000 words/ after the two blocks (that is, a midterm and a final examination essay). The weights of both papers are equally important /50-50%/ in getting the final grade.
- Tantárgy tartalma
- Tantárgyi tematikák a Politikatudományi Intézet által meghirdetett tárgyakról 2021-22 I. félév Tantárgy neve: World Politics Képzés- tagozat: BA, MA, ERASMUS Tantárgy kreditszáma: 3 Tantárgyfelelős: Dr. Málik József Zoltán Számonkérési forma: Írásbeli Erős előfeltétel: Angol nyelv Gyenge előfeltétel/társfeltétel: - Kapcsolódik-e hozzá gyakorlat/szeminárium? - Előadások tematikája: 1. hét: Introducing WP as Academic Subject 2. hét: Some Epistemopological Problems: The ”Great Debates” in IR 3. hét: The historical context of IR: The Westphalian Paradigm 4. hét: Visionary Ideas in IP after the Cold War 5. hét: World Stabality in Focus: Anarchy, Order, and Chaos 6. hét: Different Schools, Different Focus: Realism, Liberalism, and the Critical Views 7. hét: Human Nature and Politics and its relevance to WP 8. hét: Against the Mainstream: the overview 9. hét: Liberalism: Tradition and Strands 10. hét: Realism: Tradition and Strands 11. hét: International Security: Te mainstream approach 12. hét: The Critical Views: Neo-Marxism, Constructivism, Feminism, and the Greens 13. hét: Summary, Q&A. Tananyag: Zoltán Málik: World Politics (ppt, pp. 168) Kötelező és ajánlott irodalom: Jackson, R. - Sorensen, G.: Introduction to International Relations. OUP, 2003. Vizsgakövetelmények: Írásbeli (2 esszé – midterm and final exam papers) Egyebek:
- Számonkérés és értékelés
- Irodalomjegyzék
Kurzus szakjai
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