Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar
ÁJTK Nemzetközi Jogi Tanszék
The EU Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
Lecturer: Dr. Petra JENEY      Assistant Professor/Department of International Law E-mail: jeney@ajk.elte.hu Course description The course examines the Justice and Home Affairs cooperation in the European Union (visa policy, border control, asylum system, imigration policy, judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters, law enforcement cooperation)
Tantárgy tartalma
Course schedule    1. week General overview of Justice and Home Affairs cooperation in the European Union – history, legal framework     2. week The Schengen Area – establishment and development of an area with no internal borders, current pressures      3. week Border control – Integrated Border Management, temporary reintroduction of internal border control, current issues in strengthening border security of the European Union’s external borders             4. week Visa policy – visa requirement, visa procedure, Visa Information System       5. week Common European Asylum System I. – origins of EU asylum policy and regulation – legal framework, competences Qualification Directive – international protection provided by the EU: refugee status and subsidiary protection     6. week Common European Asylum System II. - Qualification Directive contd.      7. week Common European Asylum System III. - Procedures Directive, Dublin Regulation and Eurodac       8. week Common European Asylum System IV. – Understanding the ’2015-2016’ refugee crises’ EU and Member States responses, discussion on solidarity and responsibility       9. week EU Immigration policy – regular and irregular migration to the European Union, dilemmas yet to be solved – how does the EU facilitate labour migration and how does the EU combat irregular migration and return illegal migrants 10. week Judicial cooperation in criminal matters I. history, legal framework, from mutual legal assistance to mutual recognition      11.  week Judicial cooperation in criminal matters II – The European Arrest Warrant, the flagship instrument of EU judicial cooperation in criminal matters on surrender procedures 12.  week Judicial cooperation in civil matters – EU legal instruments facilitating cross border litigation, asset recovery and a glimpse of EU Family law       13. week Law enforcement cooperation in the European Union, data protection and information exchange, European Model of Information Exchange  Learning material: Reader and compilation of cases provided by the lecturer
Számonkérés és értékelés
Assessment Written exam from reader, slides presented, legislation and cases provided and one of the suggested textbooks.
Literature:          Cathrine Barnard and Steve Peers: European Union Law, Oxford University Press 2014, chapters 25 and 26          Implementing the Lisbon Treaty Improving the Functioning of the EU on Justice and Home Affairs, Eurpoean Parliament Study 2015

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