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ÁJTK Politikatudományi Intézet
Multiple crisis in the European Union
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MULTIPLE CRISIS IN THE EUROPEAN UNION Lecturer: dr. Krisztina Arató professor, Institute of Political Science (ELTE) E-mail: krisarato@ajk.elte.hu Course description The history books about the European Union are full of crises – empty chairs crisis in the mid-1960s, economic crisis and its European effects in the 1970s, the British budgetary crisis in the 1980s, and we could continue the list. However, in the recent years the EU shows parallel crises – conflict in the Ukraine that ruined the idea of Eastern partnership, crisis in the institutional setup, problems with legitimacy and public trust, problems with leadership and the obvious crises of the Euro, Brexit and migration. The course offers an overview of the current crisis areas on the basis of current social science literature and political analyses and aims to give an insight to both the reasons of the crises and potential ways out. Students are expected to have previous knowledge about the history and the institutional structure of the European Union. The course schedule includes two occasions where the subject will be defined on the basis of the interest of students. Course schedule Introduction Eurozone crisis – is it over? Euroscepticism and legitimacy crisis in the European Union Democracy deficit in the EU Values in the EU – is democracy in crisis in the Member States? Leadership crisis in the EU – the role of Germany Euroscepticism Disintegration? Brexit and disintegration theories Migration crisis Crisis of the Eastern partnership / Ukraine Crisis of the narratives of the EU Perceptions of the EU in Member states – what di citizens think? The COVID-19 crisis and the European Union Case study: TBC Case study: TBC Assessment · students may miss max. 3 classes during the semester · presentation (30 % of the grade) · Students may choose to write the written exam (open book, based on the materials uploaded to Moodle) or to submit an essay of max. 30.000 characters on a previously agreed topic until the last week of the semester. (70% of the grade) Course materials Course material is constituted from the readings (compulsory and recommended) listed in the detailed synopsis of the course that is distributed for students in the first class. All readings will be uploaded to the Moodle platform of the course. Students may also explore further readings and use them for their presentations. Recommended readings In the case of each topic, 2 compulsory articles and other recommended literature will be listed. JAN WERNER MÜLLER: Safeguarding Democracy inside the EU. Brussels and the future liberal order. Transatlantic Academy Paper series, 2013 February. PAUL TAGGART and ALEKS SZCZERBIAK: Coming in from the Cold? Euroscepticism, Government Participation and Party Positions on Europe. JCMS 2013 Volume 51. Number 1. pp. 17–37. VINCENT DELLA SALA (2010): Political Myth, Mythology and the European Union. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies. Special Issue: Political Myth, Mythology and the European Union Volume 48, Issue 1, pages 1–19, January 2010. SIMON BULMER and WILLIAM A. PATERSON (2013) ‘Germany as the EU’s reluctant hegemon? Of economic strength and political constraints’, Journal of European Public Policy, 20 (10), 1387-1405. JEAN PISANI-FERRY Jean Pisani-Ferry, Norbert Röttgen, André Sapir, Paul Tucker, Guntram B. Wolff: Europe after Brexit: A proposal for a continental partnership. Breugel Institute 2016
Tantárgy tartalma
Tantárgy neve Multiple crisis in the European Union Neptun kódja: PMx:xISZV:34 Képzés- tagozat: Erasmus Tantárgy kreditszáma: 2 Tantárgyfelelős: Dr. Arató Krisztina egyetemi docens Számonkérési forma: Gyak. jegy (5) Erős előfeltétel: - Gyenge előfeltétel/társfeltétel: - Kapcsolódik-e hozzá gyakorlat/szeminárium? - Előadások tematikája: 1.    hét: Introduction 2.    hét: Eurozone crisis – is it over? 3.    hét: Euroscepticism and legitimacy crisis in the European Union 4.    hét: Democracy deficit in the EU Values in the EU – is democracy in crisis in the Member States? 5.    hét: Leadership crisis in the EU – the role of Germany 6.    hét: Euroscepticism Disintegration? Brexit and disintegration theories 7.    hét: Migration crisis 8.    hét: Crisis of the Eastern partnership / Ukraine 9.    hét: Crisis of the narratives of the EU 10.    hét: Perceptions of the EU in Member states – what di citizens think? 11.    hét: The COVID-19 crisis and the European Union 12.    hét: Case study: TBC 13.    hét: Case study: TBC Tananyag: Course material is constituted from the readings (compulsory and recommended)  listed in the detailed synopsis of the course that is distributed for students in the first class. All readings will be uploaded to the Moodle platform of the course. Students may also explore further readings and use them for their presentations. Kötelező és ajánlott irodalom: Literature: In the case of each topic, 2 compulsory articles and other recommended literature will be listed. Vizsgakövetelmények: Assessment: -    students may miss max. 3 classes during the semester -    presentation (30 % of the grade) -    Students may choose to write the written exam (open book, based on the materials uploaded to Moodle) or to submit an essay of max. 30.000 characters on a previously agreed topic until the last week of the semester. (70% of the grade) Egyebek: -

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