Kurzus nemzetközi vendég- és részidős hallgatóknak

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ÁJTK Nemzetközi Magánjogi és Európai Gazdasági Jogi Tanszék
Residence and employment rights in the Internal Market
Residence and employment rights in the Internal Market
Tervezett félév
Oktatás célja
Tantárgy tartalma
RESIDENCE AND EMPLOYMENT RIGHTS IN THE INTERNAL MARKET  - Detailed First class: 19 February 2025. 10.00-11.30. Main building class room A/8 Dr. habil. Éva Lukács Gellérné Department of Private International Law and European Economic Law (ELTE) e-mail: gellernelukacs.eva@ajk.elte.hu Dr. Árpád Mészáros, PhD candidate Department of Private International Law and European Economic Law (ELTE) Description The course covers the essential EU legal framework on residence and employment rights within the framework of free movement of persons. Course schedule The course spells out in detail the vast legal material on free movement of persons under EU law. Concrete issues from the realm of residence and employment rights, including the recognition of qualifications, will be dealt with. Analysis of the legal sources will be based on the TFEU and secondary EU law instruments (in particular Regulation 492/2011/EU, Directive 2004/38/EC). Special focus will be put on the relevant case-law of the European Court, we will choose cases and examine them in detail. Notable examples of implementation of EU law into national law will also be touched upon. The course aims at drawing a horizontal picture regarding short-term and long-term labour migration, the underlying processes, realities and consequences. Materials The slides of the lectures and uploaded documents in MOODLE during the course. Course schedule The course spells out in detail the vast legal material on residence and employment under EU law. Date Lecturer Topic 19 February Dr. Éva Lukács Gellérné Introductory lecture, Treaty provisions and definitions 27 February Dr. Éva Lukács Gellérné Nature of residence rights (Sevince and Royer case), Nationality and citizenship issues (Tjebbes) 5 March Dr. Éva Lukács Gellérné Residence rights in Directive 2004/38 1. 12 March Dr. Éva Lukács Gellérné Residence rights in Directive 2004/38 2. 19 March NO CLASS Reading week 26 March Dr. Éva Lukács Gellérné Employment 1. Definion of work/worker, Payir case 2 April Ass. Prof. Mária T. Patakyová Comenius University Bratislava Internal market considerations 9 April Dr. Árpád Mészáros Demography and employment 16 April NO CLASS School holiday 23 April Dr. Éva Lukács Gellérné Employment 2. Atypical forms of work, relation to fragmented social security coverage 30 April Dr. Ildikó Bodgál Posting in practice 7 May Ass. Prof. Mira Kuneva University of Sofia Doing Business (Not) As Usual: Contemporary Conceptual and Practical Issues of Economic Diplomacy. Assessment Lecture participation is obligatory in accordance with the relevant statutes (classes might be in Teams but participation is required). There is no final written exam but different tasks will be performed throughout the semester (multiple choice tests, case studies) and students will be required to write 1 essay as well. Appr. 100 points can be reached alltogether, students get grades on the basis of the number of points (80-100 points - grade 5). Budapest, 6 February 2025.
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